Escaping her Orbit.

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*One of my favorite songs of all times, wait till the song starts.

Skyler's pov

'What did she say?' Phimeas' deep voice rang through my head as i dropped my phone and plopped onto the bed staring into thin air, the thought of what went down floating through my head.

I had no more tears to sob, no more whys and what nots, not even a single streak of anger ran through me, just a blank space, just..... Blank.

It felt like i had used up all my emotions and everything in me was just....void.

Bly broke my heart, yet again but this time i had no questions. I guess it was because i had it all answered.

Why wasn't i enough for Bly?
Because she doesn't deserve you.

Why did she do this?
Because she's a huge prickly bitch.

She left me for a day to have fun with someone else, she was bored of me just like the last time.

She seemed to want to engage last night and i had told her no because i was sore and exhausted of which she was the major cause of.
Of course, it made sense that she'd seek it elsewhere.

That's what Bly did.

I'm not shocked, not suprised, not hurt, not angry, just blank and sad...
Really sad.

'Hey it's ok' I felt a finger swat a teardrop i was unaware had fallen from my eye as i felt strong arms pull me from the bed into an embrace. It felt safe and comforting here but it still didn't feel the same as a jet-black haired girl's arms.

'I don't understand why she keeps hurting you, she's my best friend but this player thing is becoming old and really unhealthy'

'Especially for you Skyler.'

I didn't utter a word or make any signs that i understood him. I just kept my arms around him tightened as the movement of his chest seemed to comfort me just a little.

At least he cared.

'What happened over the phone anyways'

I had disentangled from him to sit at the edge of the bed dragging his arm to situate him next to me.

'She's with someone'

'And..she said I'm not her girlfriend' i chuckled dryly before i continued, refusing to make eye contact with the jock that was probably looking at me with pity. Something i really hated.

'I mean, she's not wrong but considering she had been screwing me for the past weeks should have at least meant something
But not with Bly'

I said the last part with less energy as i finally looked to my side at Phimeas who had the pitiful look plastered on his face just like i had predicted.

I winced before turning to look into space as the realization of what i just admitted hit me making my cheeks to turn a shade of red despite the situation.

'She doesn't deserve you' he said lowly like he was telling me a secret.

I chuckled at the irony, it was not a secret at all. I had already concluded that i knew this.

I nodded as i moved to face the football captain studying his radiant dark skin and facial features that made girls fall at his feet at school.

I knew Phimeas had feelings for me other than platonic ones, he had told me on different occasions and even flirted with me openly until i saw less and less of him which i quickly suspected was out of respect for Bly when we started hooking up.

He had blamed it on football practice which was quite excusable as he was made captain soon after.

Phimeas was someone people admired alot, he was an hardworking student and passionate about school work and sports.
Even teachers and the Principal listened carefully to innovative ideas he brought to the table.

Despite being popular, he stuck to our friend group and just a few friends from football and swimming.

He barely spoke to people other than that, he was reserved in a way but also quite outgoing when necessary. He always ignored the thirsty cheerleaders trying to get his attention by acting like they ruled the school, he would diss them and just drape his arms across my shoulder and walk off.

This brewed alot of jealousy from them but it was something they couldn't act upon because they knew Bly would literally bite thier heads off.

An involuntary smile crept to my face as thoughts of Bly's influence throughout the school was eminent.

People fell at her feet as well in school and every single place she stepped her feet. Her aura was distinguished and her intellectual ability was dignified. What mostly attracted women to Bly was her dismissive nature.

I guess people love what they can't have.

Except Bly's indifference was only towards people she genuinely didn't care to give two glances at whatsoever or women she had already had her way with.

Which in time really wasn't a difficult task to accomplish. For her

I scowled cursing her attractiveness that made it seemingly hard to move on from as my eyes flicked from Phimeas' eyes to his lips.

It was about time i escaped her orbit.

I latched my lips unto his making him freeze for a bit before gently pulling back and looking at me with furrowed brows.

'What are you doing?'

'Please just let me' i whispered moving my hands to his collar dragging him back in.

He held on to my hand with uncertainty in his eyes as he whispered back.

I understood what he was trying to say and i admired his loyalty and the respect he still had for his best friend despite her being shitty at the time.

I shook my head frantically as my eyes moved back to his conveying my sadness.

I just want to feel something else.

I couldn't say it out loud because i didn't want it to seem like i was using him, but in reality, that was exactly what i was doing.

'I'm done with her' was the last thing i said about that before he pulled me back in kissing me hungrily like he had been waiting for this day and starving for my touch.

The kiss wasn't like all the others she'd had. There was no spark, no jolt, no satisfaction and no longing whatsoever.

These were the things she always felt with Bly and she hated and cursed herself for not being able to feel them with someone that was willing to give his whole self to her rather than crumbled pieces.

'I can give you the love you deserve' He had said between kisses.

Skyler merely nodded as she pulled Phimeas on top of her as he latched his lips onto her neck down towards her chest.

Hmmm hmm (clears throat)

If you aren't into straight sex, I'd suggest you skip it in the next chapter.

I'll put warning signs so you know where to start reading from.

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