Stepping out.

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Warning: straight sex ahead!

Skyler pulled Phimeas' shirt as they both quickly got undressed.

Her eyes drifted up to the ceiling as she didn't feel an ounce of pleasure while Phimeas kissed down her body moving his hands to lift her thighs. Skyler held his hand stopping his movements just as she whispered emotionlessly.

'Can you not do that, just get it in'

She internally grimaced at herself as Phimeas nodded enthusiastically not seeming to get that Skyler might have not been into it.

She however reached into the bedside drawer as she took out a wrapper of condom and lube as she really wasn't turned on.

Phimeas eyed her probably noticing her demeanor as he tore open the condom putting it on himself.

He hesitated raising his brows in a questioning manner at Skyler.
'Are you sure about this, we can stop if don't wanna go on'

Skyler ignored him as she dragged Phimeas onto her. He took that as a go ahead and slipped into her with ease obviously because of the lube.

She scrunched her face as Phimeas' average size entered her making him cease movements and look at her worriedly.
'Are you ok?'

'Don't talk Phimeas just go on'
She had replied dryly.

Skyler closed her eyes as she felt Phimeas moving in and out of her, grunting in pleasure every now and then.

At least someone was enjoying himself.

Skyler quickly found a solution as thoughts of Bly pounding into her replaced every image of the boy on top of her.

'Shit!...' she moaned lightly biting her lips as pleasure rippled through her being at the thoughts.

'Fuck you Bly!' She had slipped out as calling her name even gave her more pleasure.

Skyler, realising what she had said shot her eyes open as she checked to see if Phimeas had caught on to what she said.
Thankfully, he was too occupied by his own pleasure and sounds to really hear her.

She sighed as her moans filled the room alongside boyish sounds.

Now she could see Bly smirking at her as she moved in and out of her hole with speed as if mocking her situation at the moment.

Cocky bastard

Her thoughts were taking over reality and she couldn't stop herself from cursing as her walls tightened making her eyes roll back entirely with images of Bly flashing in her head.

'Fucking Bly!'

Her back arched off the bed with climax taking over her body as she cummed all over Phimeas at the same time his grunts reached the peak making him withdraw from her a few seconds after both their orgasms.

Phimeas fell to her side as he took off the condom tossing it in a nearby mini trashcan.

Skyler's face was stoic matching with her emotions as Phimeas looked at her with happiness written all across his.

'I'm glad you enjoyed it' He said with a full smile across his face as he turned his head away from her trying to catch his breath.

Skyler hummed as she cursed herself for allowing thoughts of Bly to take over her being once again.

Poor guy.

She had thought as she moved to take a look at the smiling boy now seeming to drift off to sleep.

Skyler turned to the other side as she moved the sheets up to cover both their spent bodies.

That bitch couldn't leave me alone even while having sex with someone else.
I don't care if i see her in my head every now and then, i wouldn't give her the satisfaction of crawling back like some helpless dog.

I'm done with Bly Manor.

Those were the last words to herself as she felt the darkness take over her sight.

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