Chapter 6 : Starting to understand

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                Aaron held me into his chest, i didnt like crying  yet here we are. I knew with this new discovery that it was going to be difficult to adjust to the new senses. I slowly and softly stopped crying and let go of Aarons shirt. He had been comforting me without even knowing want was happening to me, without any understanding of why i had been crying.  "sorry about the shirt again" i said with stuttered breathing, looking at the shirt that has wet spot from me crying. He just looked down at me. I looked and met his eyes, i couldn't've help but smiles and chuckle a little. He laughed to making my feel a lot better " hey, dont worry about the shirt plus it yours anyway." He said tough laughter. " Oh yeah, i forgot" i chuckle, i had completely forgot about the fact i had given him of my shirt because of the fact he hadn't had a shirt. I was sweaty and felt gross. I had moved away from Aaron and his chest, stretching a little. I look over at Aaron, he was looking at his phone. He looked upset. "Hey i am going to go get a shower, if you'd like to you can get one after i do" i had said as i touched his shoulder, in the back of my head i was thinking  'or get one with me'. i blushed at this thought, as soon as i did he looked up at me. " Thanks i will probably will, you okay though" He'd asked.  I nodded before i had looked away and walked towards the bathroom. i got into the bathroom and wanted to scream, i looked at my face in the mirror. " what is wrong with me, why would  i think that, stupid brain" i mumbled to myself before i turned on the shower and getting in. i washed up and got out, i noticed i hadn't grabbed clothes so i had to go to my room. i had wrapped myself in my towel and went to my room. I had started to change when Aaron had opened the door some how without me hearing or seeing him. We both froze when we met each others eye. I blushed  bright red. "shit sorry" Aaron side as he looked down "but um where are the towels" he asked looking but at me in the eye slightly. "h-hall closet by the bathroom" i spoke embarrassed and feeling very faint. i continued to blush as he left and i finished getting dressed. I knocked on the bathroom door and opening it to wear i was able to place clothes on the corner of the sink. I close the door to the bathroom and go the kitchen, there was a note "hey hunny, i had to go to work it was an emergency, so its up to you to make food and take care of yourself and have fun". I sigh and look for something to make for us. I hadn't really noticed but i feel like i can hear a lot of stuff that i normal wouldn't be able to it was just like my eyes, it felt both deferent and weird but i didnt seem to mind.

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