Chapter 7: What of the others?

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            I make something for Aaron and i to eat, I walk out to the living room, where Aaron has been sitting on the couch. "Hey umm foods in the kitchen if you'd like some". I went to sit down on the floor I front of the couch. He nodded has he got up and walked to the kitchen I'm head start to hurt a little, I didn't think much of it at first, so I had ignored it. I continued to eat my food. Aaron walked in and sat next to me and started to eat, as we were eating he looked at me and asked "are you okay", I nodded and finished eating and went to get up. I stood up and got really dizzy I almost fell over, Aaron caught me before I hit the ground. I had small flashbacks to the dreams, five other the same white room hospital chairs. My head was spinning my vision flashing between Aaron's face and the white room and I tried to focus on the other kids, but I couldn't, it was too much, I ended up blacking out in Aaron's arms.

I woke up on the couch with Aaron sitting on the floor next to me quietly watching something on TV, my vision still trying to refocus on my surroundings. I slowly try to sit up as my vision focuses, Aaron seems to have noticed, he turns to look at me asking "are you alright". I hold my head, still having a headache. "Yeah I'm alright just kinda lightheaded, but I was having these weird flashbacks to this dream I have a lot, it was like I was really there this time". He looks at me confused, "what do you mean and what's it about".  I go to explain how it felt as if I was really siting this white room strapped to this white hospital like chair sitting with five other kids that were about the same age as I was when I started having these dreams but every time me vision cut out and back in they would grow they're ages would change the last one that happened before I passed out was the same age as me now".

 He sat there for a moment before he got up and stuck his hand to help me off the couch. I was confused, but I accepted the help, he helped me to the bathroom where he made up a hot bath for me. "I figured you'd want something to help you relax, so I had started the bath for you" he has said with a soft pink to his face. In my head I wanted to ask if he wanted to with me, but I tried pushing it away, as I went to say thank you I slipped and asked" will you get one with me" I realized what I had said when his face turned a bright red, mine followed suit after. " I'm SORRY I DIDNT MEAN" I yelled but not too loud, I was embarrassed to say the least. He studdered out" I mean if you'd like me to, I'm okay with it." he was blushing about as much as I was. I was shocked, but I shyly nodded.

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