Chapter I

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My hands press into the smooth white sheets of his bedding. His hands brush a loose strand of hair out of my face as he gazes down at me, a small smile grows across his lips.

His voice is low, seductive, as he leans down to my ear, his breath brushes against my neck sending a shiver down my spine. "You're mine" his words made me giggle and I snake my arms around his neck, I arched my back forward, pressing my chest into his.

I gasp a little at the strength of his force as he pushes my wrists above my head and deep into his pillow. With one hand holding mine in place he grips my neck and squeezes gently, giving me a warning sign. My eyes fall into lustful slits as we lock eyes and my mouth parts, the lipgloss on my lips captures his attention and his face scrunches, "kiss me" I breath, trying to break my arms free from his grip but fail.

His eyes bounce from my lips to my eyes a few times before the hand around my neck slowly slides down my chest, lingering on my breasts before gently tracing over my hip. His lips touch mine and I'm sucked into a world of pleasure that only he can give me. His hand loosens around my wrists, letting me break free and comb my fingers through his thick brown hair. His hands run up and down my waist as he kisses me, one of them find their way to my jaw, making me tilt my head up so he has an easier time slipping his tongue into my mouth and exploring.

Our lips move together in sync until he pulls away to look down at me. I gasp for air, making him smirk and run the back of his hand over my cheek. "Tell me you're mine" he whispers, looking deep into my eyes with a caring gaze. But his eyes hide something behind them, something controlling and dominating.

My fingers run up his back under his black dress shirt and I feel his strong shoulder blades tense as I traced my fingertips gently over his smooth skin. I gave him my innocent look as I gazed up at him through my lashes and smiled "I'm yours" his hand smoothed over the top of my head and he pressed his lips softly into my hair, inhaling the sent of my shampoo before getting up off his bed and walking into his bathroom.

I propped myself up on my elbows and waited for him to come back into the bedroom, he was pulling a clean pair of boxers up over his hips and bending down, facing me, to pick up his pants. I giggled as his hair fell over his eyes a little and he had to comb his fingers through it to push it back over his head. He slightly smirked as he looked at me laying on his bed still. "You have to get dressed" he pointing at me and I rolled my eyes, sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and picking up my crewneck off the floor.

He walked over to the nightstand and slide a dark grey silver wedding ring off the chestnut bamboo wood. My eyes lingered on his fingers as he slipped it on right in front of me. I hated when he wore it during sex so he agreed to take it off while he touched me. Dispute what people may say, he is a very sweet man, to me at least. Maybe that's just because of the nature of our relationship but I think it's deeper than that, I think he really does care for me. But being with him is a fantasy, he is a very well respected person in our community and if people found out he left his wife for someone like me there would be an uproar among his coworkers and I'd likely be disowned by my family.

"Why the long face, Sunflower?" He hooked my jaw with his finger and thumb and lifted my head so he could see my face more clearly.

I shook my thoughts out of my head and forced a smile, "just thinking" I shifted my head so I was out of his hold and got up to get dressed. I could feel his eyes on me and I slipped back into my pants and walked over to his mirror to fix my hair. I knew I had to leave soon, it hurt everytime I had to but I knew the consequences if I didn't.

The bed moved in the mirror, I watched as his hands curled around my shoulders and he lowered his lips to my neck from behind. His breath tickled the hairs on my neck as his lips touched me, I closed my eyes and hummed in enjoyment as he kissed me, sucked on me, bit me. His hands wrapped around my waist and he sighed into my neck. "I'll see you tomorrow morning"


"Oh my god, Alanna, just tell me who he is" I shook my head and smiled at Naomi, I didn't bother hiding the hickey on my neck from the night before. Mainly because I was too tired this morning and didn't give a fuck if people saw that someone kissed me.

Naomi rolled her eyes and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, looking around the cafeteria for the guy who bruised my neck. Her mouth opened but closed again as she pointed to someone "you'll never guess it, so why try?"

"Because Anna, this is, like, huge for you" she used her hands as she spoke, "you have only ever dated one guy and that was when we were in elementary school. And that didn't even count"

I stuck my fork into my chicken salad and put it into my mouth just as Mr. Barlowe walked into the cafeteria. Shit, I thought, locking eyes with him and looking away out of embarrassment. He smiled to himself as he walked past me, his eyes lingering on the mark on my neck. Naomi abruptly shot up from her seat and looked around the cafeteria for guys my type, "Naomi!" I hissed, reacher over to grab her and drag her back down so she was sitting "sit down!"

She squinted her eyes at me and scowled "I'll figure it out Alanna May, and when I do you'll be sorry for not telling me" Naomi pointed her finger all up in my face before grabbing her bag from under the table and standing up. I said good luck to her and waved goodbye as her boyfriend, Dean, slung his arm over her shoulder and smooshed her into his chest, placing a kiss on the top of her head as they walked out of the cafeteria with the rest of Dean's friends following behind.

Naomi and I have been best friends for years, 11 years to be exact, we met in grade one and have been glued to each other ever since. About a year ago her and Dean started dating, which I was really supportive of because she had a crush on him for years. Dean was nice, he wasn't the bonehead quarterback everyone thought he was. That was mainly just an act for his 'fans' for some reason a lot of girls find him attractive, me personally, he couldn't be farther from my type. Don't get me wrong, he's a very attractive guy, I just prefer my guys to have blonde hair and read books at a coffee shop.

Dean had light down skin, a chiseled face, broad shoulders, muscular body. His hair was cute, he had it styled into short dreads that hung lower in the back and some went over his forehead.

Naomi was the opposite, she had pale skin, with long blonde straight hair. She always says she wants my hair because it's wavy, but I don't see what's so good about it. Her eyes are a soft brown and she has light freckles dribbled over her cheeks and nose. She's a little on the thinner side, if you didn't know her you would think she didn't eat but if you saw her family you would know that it's just her body type.

Before I had a chance to get up I left someone looming over me. Honestly, it could have been anyone because people can do whatever they want whenever they want but I knew it wasn't just anyone. Resisting temptation, I didn't look up at him, I just continued to pack up my bag, putting my water bottle away and standing up, slinging my backpack over my shoulders.

"Leaving without saying hello?"

A small smile played across my lips and I stopped in my tracks. Everyone else in the cafeteria was much too busy talking and eating to even notice us so I wasn't worried what people might think. "I thought you didn't like talking at school" my eyes were mocking as I gave him an amused look and crossed my arms.

Mr. Barlowe looked around and rubbed the back of his neck. He shrugged his shoulders "I'm just a teacher talking to a student. It's not a crime"

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels "goodbye Mr. Barlowe" I waved my hand as I walked away.

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