Chapter VI

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Why did the world have to be so loud? Everything outside blared in my ears as I got out of bed and threw a blanket over myself, swaddling up like a baby. I stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen, seeing my mom and dad making lunch for themselves, and hopefully me.

My mom giggled as my dad tickled her a little in the sides, I wish I could have what they have, life would be perfect. "Oh" she brushed my dad off her and giggled, picking up the spatula and looking back at the eggs "good afternoon, sweetie"

How can she be so cheerful? I wondered, rolling my eyes and flopping down on to the couch, face first. I groaned in response to her and lifted my legs up, letting them fall back on to the couch. The smell of bacon, toast and eggs drifted over from the kitchen, making me lift my head up slightly and take in a whiff of the glorious sent.

My hands flew to my ears, as loud stomping came from upstairs, Asher ran down and hopped onto one of the barstools at our island. "Smells good ma" Asher wasn't a morning person but he was an afternoon person. He always has been.

Chatter filled the kitchen and soon cutlery scrapped against white plates. "You coming over hun?" My mom called out in a soft voice, making me look over at them and slowly rise from the comfort of my blue couch cushions.

Slowly I shuffled my feet against the floor, almost tripping in my blacker as it got caught under my feet.  Asher set a plate down for me and my dad got me some brunch. "So how was the party?" My dad asked just as I stuck the fork into my mouth. What was with people asking you questions as soon as you put something in your mouth?

I blinked a few times, trying to remember. I went... and then I drank. Shit, I drank a lot, after they told me not to drink too much. "It was uh... fun?" I didn't sound convincing but I also didn't really care. My head was pounding and I wanted to throw up.

My mom snickered, "just fun?" She chewed on her toast and took a sip of orange juice, washing it down. "From the looks of it, you had more then just fun"

Asher looked at me from the side of his eye, he didn't look happy. Our parents were pretty laidback, they went to parties as teenagers so they understood what went on and that it was good for their kids to experience the same things they did. Even if it meant they wouldn't like it, Asher liked parties more than me and that was saying something because he never really wants to go out past 8 PM. He's such an old man.

I grumble to myself and downed my orange juice, getting up from my seat and walking my dirty dishes over to the dishwasher "yeah, it was, whatever, I guess"

"Sounds like you don't remember what happened" Asher spoke up, his words had alternative motives to them, and before I could even turn around I knew he had a smirk on his face. I hated when he tried to catch me out to mom and dad.

I turned, peeking over at my parents from under my blanket and scoffed, nervously pulling the blanket off my head "of course I remember" I pronounced, Asher's eyes lingered on my neck, I may not remember what happened but I can hazard a guess. I knew someone was probably sucking on some part of me last night, which is why I dreaded looking at myself this morning in the mirror. I figured I would just wait and prepare myself mentally before looking at the damage done.

Asher pointing at my neck and narrowed his eyes at me "well if you remember so much, who gave you those" his voice was a hiss as he got up from his seat and stalked towards me, living my chin and looking at the marks on my neck. I'm not sure how many there were, but judging by his face it was an unsightly amount. "Fabian" he mumbled in an angry tone "you had one job"

The anger in Asher's body language was too much and I pulled back, giving him a dirty look "I don't you I didn't need a babysitter but you sent him anyway!" I shouted, turning on my heels and storming off back upstairs to my room.

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