Chapter IV

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Halloween was just around the corner, it was always my favourite holiday, even though we didn't have a day off at school. I always loved dressing up as whoever you wanted, it gave you the power to be anything in the world for one day.

Halloween also meant matching costumes, and there was a part happening in a few days that Naomi and I were invited to by Dean.

Everyone around school knew about Dean's legendary holiday parties, whether it be Halloween, Christmas, St. Patrick's day, Valentine's Day, you name it he threw a party for it. Truth is he's a party animal and his girlfriend is not, Naomi's been to one or two of his party's. I've been to zero, this will be my first time having the party experience with Dean.

"Did you find it?" Naomi's voice called out from my phone as I walked back over to where I had laid it down. I picked up the phone and looked at Naomi, shaking my head.

She kicked her feet back and forth on her bed and nibbled on a hang nail "I don't know where it could have gone" I hugged out, puzzled that my costume had just mysteriously disappeared. Naomi and I had picked out matching Scooby Doo costumes, she was going as Velma and I was going as Daphne.

The costumes were definitely not age appropriate but that's what made it fun, they were meant to look sexy and revealing, I was supposed to wear a tight purple dress that stopped just below my hips and had a semi-deep neckline with a purple headband and a green scarf tied around my neck but I could only find my headband and the scarf, my dress had vanished.

Naomi let out a deep, dramatic sigh as she got up from her bed and positioned her phone up against her vanity so I could see her while she did her makeup. "Anna, you better find that dress" she told me, I felt really bad. She didn't want to go to the party unless I was going. Dean drank sometimes, not a lot, just when he was with friends and she didn't want to deal with him drunk again. Last time she did he ended up throwing up in her car and she had to get it professionally cleaned because no one would get inside if for a week straight it stunk so bad.

I dig deep into my closet, I know it's in here somewhere I just misplaced it that's all. "I know, I know" clothes were being shoved left and right, piling up on my floor in different spots. "It's here, I know it's here just give me a minute"

Naomi picked up her nail file and started to fix her nails to get them ready for the party "Alanna that party is in 2 days"

"Naomi you're not helping"

Her hands went up in defence and she put a piece of gum in her mouth "sorry. Maybe your mom has seen it?" I smiled at her and got up off the floor, brushing myself off before walking over to my door and swinging it open.

The house was silent "mom!" Nothing, "Moooom!" There was a rustle in my parents' bedroom and the door opened down the hall. My mom came out trying her best to hold her robe together so I wouldn't see she was naked underneath. "Were you guys... actually, I don't want to know" my face turned with disgust making her giggle nervously "have you seen my dress for Halloween? The party is in 2 days"

She shook her head and sighed "sorry hun, I haven't seen it" she held onto the door and gave me a sympathetic look "maybe Ash has? I know he was looking for something the other night and I said it might be in your room" her shoulders rose then fell indicating she really didn't know where it could have gone.

I patted my door frame and nodded, "Kay, thanks mom" she smiled and stepped back into her bedroom, locking the door again. Gross, I thought walking over to Asher's room and knocking on his door.

I waited a few seconds and it swung open revealing my brother, past him was Fabian, sitting at his desk. I had forgotten they were working on that engineering project, god only knows what it is, all I know is that it has to do with maths and engineers. And if I'm being totally honest, I don't even really know what they actually do. "What's up? We're busy"

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