Chapter II

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"It's so good to have you over for dinner, dear" Ms. May scooped some salad onto her plate and sipped her lemon water. "How have you been?"

My lips took the food off my fork and I pulled it out of my mouth, nodding my head as I chew my food and looking up from my plate. I smile, "I've been well, school is going good. Ash and I are just finishing up a project" my eyes dart over to Ash and he nods along with me.

"It's true" he beams, leaning back into his seat and slinging his arm over the free chair next to him as he sips a beer. He had offered me one but I politely declined, I wasn't much of a drinker. I guess growing up with a mom who drinks her life away turns your stomach off of it when you grow up.

My eyes lingered on the empty chair, it's usually where Alanna sits. I wonder where she is? Maybe she was busy with tutoring again, I'm glad she's getting help for subjects she's struggling with; it puts my mind at ease. Alanna has always struggled with English, she's more of a science minded person than an English minded person. Personally, I didn't understand that, yes I'm going into engineering but I did love English in school.

I shake my head out of my thoughts when I realize that Asher is trying to get my attention "yo?" He snapped his fingers in my face from across the table, making me look at him with an awkward stare.

I blink a few times, "yeah? Sorry, I'm here" my voice wasn't convincing, he definitely knew something was on my mind. Asher knew me, we grew up together for gods sake, he could see right through me. His eyes glanced at the empty chair next to him and he chucked a little.

Mr. May gets up from his seat, grabbing a new bottle of wine and screwing the cork out. "Anna's at tutoring tonight" he smiled, "she should be home soon"

I nodded, looking back down at my food and pushing my salad around my plate a little. I wish she were here, her smile always lights up the room and her laugh makes my stomach do backflips. She's sweet and kind, funny and sarcastic, she's the perfect companion of good and bad.

Moments later the front door opens and closes again "I'm home!" Alanna sang out. Her shoes hit the floor and she rushed into the kitchen, dropping her school bag next to the island, smiling and waving at everyone as she sat at her seat beside Asher. "Hey Fabian" her lips glistened as she smiled at me.

I gave her a little nod and smiled back "hey" my voice was quiet. Pull yourself together man, I scolded myself and tried to stop the heat in my cheeks from melting my face.

"So mama" Alanna stuffed a load full of salad into her mouth and pointed her fork at her mother as she spoke with her elbow up on the table. "You'll never guess what Naomi did today" her mother hummed in response and looked over at her daughter "she totally fell asleep in math class... again!"

Ms. May chuckled, "That girl will never change" the table fell into brief mumbles of chatter and laughter as the time passed. I noticed the way Alanna had her hair put up when she got up from the table and turned around to the fridge to grab a drink of water. It was half up and down in two pigtails, her curly hair was brushed out to give it a softer look and the light bounced off her sleek light brown hair.

When she turned, her pigtails swayed and her hair brushed to the side just enough for me to see a purple-red mark on her neck. She didn't have a boyfriend, to my knowledge at least, I hope she didn't have a boyfriend, Asher never told me about any guy hanging around so I thought everything was cool but apparently it wasn't. My eyes stayed glued to her neck as she sat back down and her fingers touched the spot, giving it a little scratch before covering it back up with her hair.

Asher patted my shoulder catching my attention. I looked up at him and he gave me a funny look "ready to go?" His question confused me.

"Go where?"

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