Chapter III

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Naomi scooted her chair towards my desk while the teacher wasn't looking. I gave her a funny look, only provoking her more. She leaned into my ear and giggled "I know who it is" her words were like ice in my veins. She didn't know, she couldn't know. No one knew.

Stay cool, I reminded myself. Naomi heard my scoff and narrowed her eyes at me "you don't know" Naomi flicked her hair and moved her seat back to her desk.

I smiled to myself, taking down notes that the teacher had put up, "trust me" she whispered, my eyes glanced over at her and she moved her hand out in front of her while taking. She didn't look at me but she knew I was looking at her "I know".

Naomi was the type of girl who liked to jump to conclusions without having all the facts. I'm sure we all know someone like that in our lives, and if you don't, your life must be very boring because trust me, when it comes to Naomi, she could say anything about anyone without knowing anything at all about what she's talking about. She's a walking talking gossip mechanic that never turns off.

The keys on my laptop clicked as I filled out the rest of my form for the open position at the library. Despite what people may think, I actually really enjoy reading. To me, it's like everything melts away when I read a good book, I mainly stick to romance, the giddy feeling I get when I read the story is indescribable. My fingers tingle when I read, my stomach flips and my heart squeezes at the amount of love people can share for each other.

That's what I want; someone to love me. It's something I've been craving for a very long time, someone who will hold me right against their chest and smell my hair as they drift off to sleep. I want a guy who will protect me from danger and kiss me better, someone who will help me bake cookies and goof around.

I froze when the bell rang, Naomi stood in front of my desk waiting for me to pack up, everyone else was already leaving. "God Anna, ya know, you're the slowest person I know" Naomi groaned, I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, giving her a playful punch in the shoulder.

She giggled as I slung my backpack over my shoulders and we walked out into the hallway "I'm sure you know slower people than me" Naomi pondered my response, I could tell she was pretending.

"Nah, you're the slowest"

"Shut up"

Naomi and I only had a couple classes together, one being math, wish we just had. Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately we didn't have English period together. It was a okay with me, I don't think I would give Naomi the right amount of attention she needs in that class if we sat next to each other. My eyes were always so fixated on Mr. Barlowe, the way he spoke, his hands, how he wrote on the bored. He was so passionate about teaching, one of the few teachers who you looked at and knew he loved his job.

My favourite part about his class was when he came over to help me, I loved when he talked all professional knowing that he was going to rail me after class was dismissed.

Naomi tapped her palm off my cheek, "meet at your locker or mine?"

I was too flustered to think, I hadn't heard anything she was saying to me while on the way to the English wing, "uh... mine?" Naomi nodded, giving me a smile and waving good bye as she rushed pasted me and down the main staircase so she could get to her art class.

The second bell rang and I stood in the same place in the hallway where Naomi left me. I couldn't seem to focus on anything today, perhaps it's just one of those days, or maybe I was hungry?

A man clearing his throat behind me grabbed my attention, I turned on my heels and locked eyes with Mr. Barlowe. He didn't look impressed, I flashed him a goofy smile, hoping to lighten the mood. "You're late" he scolded, crossing his arms. His muscles tensed in his shirt and his shoulders flexed, filling out his emerald green dress shirt. It was right on him in the chest, than loosened towards the bottom. I thanked god everyday that no one else could see his abs but me.

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