Chapter 1 (Jiang Cheng)

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Jiang Cheng was sure that the discussion conference in the evening will be very eventful. Reason one being the sole fact that it will be held in Jinlintai and those Jin(s) were always dramatic like their sect colour,which is an eye blinding golden. Even the dragons at the entrance were made out of solid gold. He knows because he scratched them once. That being said, the second reason was purely his gut feeling.

The discussion conference was held so that all the clans, whether major or minor could come together and build strategies regarding the sunshot campaign. Wen Ruohan was getting increasingly psychotic as he blindly tried to swipe the clans clean with his large army of fierce corpses. The Jiang clan was almost entirely annihilated when Wen Ruohan's younger son Wen Chao ordered his subordinate Wen Zhuliu to make the Jiang clan a supervisory office of the Wen. Jiang Cheng's mother Yu Ziyuan didn't take Wen Chao's words well and a deadly fight broke out between Wen Zhuliu and her. Had it not been his father, Jiang Fengmian who pushed his wife out of the way and got his core melted by Wen Zhuliu, the latter would not have been dead in the present. Seeing her husband reduced to such a sorry state by the so-called core melting hand, Yu Ziyuan choked the life out of Wen Zhuliu by squeezing his neck with her spiritual whip Zidian. When the core melting hand fell Wen Chao could only beg to be let free but died sadly along with his whore Wang Lingjiao as Jiang Cheng stabbed both of them to death.

His parents were a love match and they were joined to the hips. Seeing his mother hug his father's exhausted body and weep made him lose his cool and thus Wen Chao met his faith. His mother stayed behind in Lotus pier to watch after his father as Jiang Cheng had to attend the conference as the newly appointed Jiang Zongzhu. His elder sister, Jiang Yanli accompanied him. His sweet sister has always been his pillar. However, Jiang Yanli was also deeply in love with the Jin sect heir Jin Zixuan. Jiang Cheng hates him because the golden peacock never acknowledged his a-jie. He can break his leg for all he cares but that would hurt a-jie and so, Jiang Cheng can only be happy in secret.

"A-Cheng stop daydreaming." Jiang Yanli's soft admonish pulled him out of his long train of thought.

"Sorry a-jie" he said softly as he turned his focus on whatever Jin-Zongzhu was saying.

However the more he listened, the more his face turned into a scowl. That old bastard made it sound like this was a normal discussion conference where they have gathered to talk about yearly land taxes. People have lost their lives under the hands on Wen Ruohan and Jin Guangshan is laughing and sipping wine?!!! Just because the Jin sect was not touched did he assume that it will be safe in the coming future as well?!!! Jiang Cheng felt that his blood vessels were about to burst due to anger. He looked around the hall and saw Lan Wangji, the heir of the Gusu Lan Sect glaring at the old bastard. Jiang Cheng, for the first time could actually relate to what Lan Wangji must be feeling.

"Jin Zongzhu is too carefree" Jiang Yanli whispered.

"Just like his carefree habit of sleeping around." Jiang Cheng gritted out his words which earned a gasp from his sister followed by a snicker.

Just as he thought that he had heard enough of the old man going on and on about the glory of the Jin sect and almost opened his mouth to interrupt, a harrumph was heard from the side of the Lan delegation. This caused Jin Zongzhu to shut his mouth along with a bewildered expression. This was because among the three thousand rules of the Lan sect, "do not interrupt" held a place in the first fifty. And added to that it was Lan Qiren, the walking Lan rulebook, who interrupted him.

"I was made aware in the invitation that it was discussion conference for the Sunshot Campaign and how to proceed about it." Lan Qiren spoke.

"Shufu is correct." Lan Wangji voiced out.

Jiang Cheng gaped like a fish due to the shock of the events that were rolling out right in front of his eyes. He would expect this from the Nie Zhongzu, but Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji was never in his list.

This followed by the booming laugh of Nie Mingjue or Nie Zongzhu made Jin Guangshan's face turn into an interesting hue of purple.

"Jin-Zongzhu so shall we start the discussion conference?" Nie Zongzhu asked trying to sound normal after laughing out like that.

"Ahem...y-yes let's proceed." Jin Zongzhu voiced out like the coward that he was.

Sometimes Jiang Cheng felt sorry for the Jin sect heir, Jin Zixuan. He wasn't a bad person aside from being pompous. But, to have a father like Jin Guangshan was a shame even for him.

Jiang Cheng sighed. It was going to be a long long day.

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