Chapter 7 (Lan Zhan)

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Wei Wuxian, now Wei Ying chose an inn to sit and talk with Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan could already see that people came to this inn to drink in particular and though he felt a bit uncomfortable, he would gladly join Wei Ying anywhere. They took a sit and the immortal ordered a wine named Tianzi Xiao when the waiter informed them that it was especially imported from Gusu. It was apparently one of the most famous wines in Gusu and Lan Zhan secretly made notes to buy them in hoards when he was further told by his love that it was his favourite.

“…. It’s warm and silky and mellow…..a perfect blend.” Wei Ying voiced out after taking a sip. He placed the cup down and looked at Lan Zhan before speaking again, “Would gege like to join A-Ying?”.

The Lan flushed from head to toe with the teasing. Never in his life did he meet someone who teased him so openly. His heartbeat thumped at a pace that he never knew was possible. Also, he probably looked like a fool because in the very next second Wei Ying laughed.

“Ah Lan Zhan Lan Zhan don’t worry….I was just teasing.”

Lan Wangji could only sigh. This person in front of him was anything but what a typical immortal is portrayed to be like. He was wild and had a sunny disposition that would rub off on other people around him which made him easy to approach, which was, something that wasn’t associated with, when an immortal was described. Generally, an immortal was thought to be someone who couldn’t be touched by a mortal. But, Lan Zhan could touch him, talk to him, laugh with him, love him….. want him. His thoughts halted with the terrifying realisation that he wanted Wei Ying in more than one way. And it’s been only a few hours since they had met. He couldn’t fathom that he fell so hard and that too, so fast. His fists clenched as he tried to keep his desires on bay.

“Gege why are your ears so red?” Lan Zhan felt that the mischief in the other’s voice had elevated more and more with each passing second. His eyes shifted to the small cup of alcohol that Wei Ying had poured for himself. He would never know what got to him but, he snatched the cup and downed the cup in one go ignoring the frantic voice of Wei Ying before everything went black.

The moment Lan Wangji woke up he felt lighter and more relaxed. It was as if all the rules he ever followed never really mattered in the first place. Who cares if he expressed his emotions extensively or if he praised someone too much?! Wei Ying is beautiful and he should be MADE. AWARE. OF. THAT. FACT!!!

“Beautiful. Mine.” He blurted out.

But somehow Wei Ying misunderstood his words!!! His love thought that he was calling Bichen beautiful. That was just simply not fair!!! Lan Wangji just needs to get his words pass through. So he suddenly stood up and walked out of the inn with a panicking Wei Ying, who followed him.

It was after several minutes that they stumbled into somebody’s compound……or more like Lan Wangji stumbled and his Wei Ying just tried to keep him steady. He was delighted by the fact that Wei Ying touched him!!! That too voluntarily. However, he decisively walked towards the coop of chickens and grabbed one and passed it towards Wei Ying.

“Aha..haha ..Lan Zhan?”

Wei Ying sounded…. Dissatisfied? Is one rooster not enough?!!! Then Wei Ying gets more than one!!! Hence, he grabbed another rooster and shoved it towards his love.

“What is this Lan Zhan?”

“Roosters for Wei Ying.”

Ah he was so proud of himself that he could officially offer marriage to his man.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan finally looked into the other’s silver eyes and took a long breath. He must also confess his love as directly offering marriage might seem like he wanted to make a political alliance.

“Yes Lan Zhan?” Wei Ying looked at the Lan, roosters forgotten.

“Come back to Gusu with me.” 


Lan Wangji was so proud of himself!!!! He finally confessed his undying love for his Wei Ying. He cheered in his heart before everything went dark.

“9….9pm” he whispered before he plopped down on the dusty ground with bewildered chickens running everywhere and an even more shocked Wei Wuxian. There goes his carefully crafted image of a jade-like young master out of the window. That too in front of the very man he wanted to impress.


Writing romantic moments isn't my strong suit at all. Hence the chapter is comparatively shorter than the rest.

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