Chapter 6 (Lan Zhan & Lan Huan)

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The walk was not the one that Lan Wangji thought it would be. Infact he missed it from the very first guess. Wei Wuxian was nothing like what the rumours described him to be as. He was just a free soul who lived each moment of his life with eagerness and a smile.

“Lan er-Gongzi…this one is not very familiar around Qinghe. I am solely depending upon you to give me a tour around it.”

“Lan Zhan.” Lan Wangji spoke before his brain could even co-operate with his tongue.

“Sorry?” Wei Wuxian let out a confused sound as he stopped walking and faced the Lan. The latter could only continue to be honest with the new enigma of a human who entered his life.

“Please address you did before. Lan Zhan.” He said lowering his eyes.

Lan Wangji heard a soft gasp and he absolutely refused to face the immortal. Maybe he finally overstepped his boundaries and made the other uneasy.

“Ah Lan Zhan Lan Zhan look at me!! Look at me!”

Hearing the cheerful voice made him look at the person who spoke, only to be smacked on his face with the most beautiful smile that had graced the face of the immortal.

“Lan Zhan ah… I was only teasing you back there by addressing by your birth name. Who would have thought that I would be honoured with the permission to call you by it officially?!!! However, Lan Zhan you have to now address me as Wei Ying because its only fair.”

Lan Wangji….Lan Zhan could only soak in all the happiness and exhilaration that he felt at that moment. Since expressing emotions openly wasn’t his strong suit he could only relish in it for the time being.

“Wei Ying….” He loved how the name rolled out of him. That earned him a chuckle from the said person.

“Shall we then…Lan Zhan?” Wei Ying asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Mn..Wei Ying.”

Lan Zhan knew from that very moment that he would be following Wei Ying….his Wei Ying everywhere. He would fight heaven and earth and step into the hell for him. His Wei Ying.


Lan Xichen didn’t know when or how he ended up in this unknown room. The moment he opened his eyes he was greeted by an old women dressed in black and red robes. He hair was almost white and she had a comforting smile on her face. The last thing he remembered was running away from his sect with the important scrolls and texts from the library in Cloud Recess as the Wen sect set fire to the same. He remembered being exhausted and hurt before his body gave up. A pair of black boots and a warm embrace was the last thing he remembered before darkness surrounded him. And now, he woke up here.

“Ah Lan-Zongzhu…you are awake.”

A soft voice brought him out of his trance. He turned towards the voice to see a deer eyed man with a dimpled smile. The old lady was already arranging what looked like a bowl of medicine next to the man.

“Gongzi….where….?” he was too shocked to even form coherent sentence. His confusion was met with a soft chuckle from the man.

“Lan-Zongzhu can adress me as Meng Yao. I found you near the edge of the woods of the burial mounds and you were already unconscious by the time we got here. You were unconscious for about a month.”

“B-Burial Mounds?!!”

Meng Yao graced his shocked outburst with a polite smile. He took the bowl from the old lady and muttered a soft thanks to “Wen Popo” much to Lan Xichen’s shock, because what the hell? A Wen? Helped him make medicine?!! Da-ge would be furious!!

Before the Lan could burst a vein with the excessive strain that he was putting on his brain to try and make sense of everything, Meng Yao relieved him by handing him the bowl. The sect leader drank the bitter liquid down and looked at the smiling man with a questioning glace. Don’t ask him why he drank that liquid as if might not be poison that a “Wen” would surely feed him.

“An explanation is due, isn’t it Lan Zongzhu?” Lan Xichen could only nod to the question. And hence Meng Yao started talking. He talked about how he came to know the Yiling Patriarch whom he addressed as Ying-di affectionately, much to the older man’s surprise. He explained how his Ying-di found him after he went to his father (Jin Guangshan) and was thrown down the stairs of Koi Tower. Another shocking news for the Lan. Meng Yao was heartbroken and was injured when a pair of young boys found him and took him back to their then dilapidated settlement in the Burial mounds. The boys were Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. He was treated by their older sister Wen Qing and was informed that they defected from the Wen Sect so as to save themselves from the heinous rule of Wen Ruohan. Wei Wuxian, only nine years at that time was already an immortal due to his exposure to resentful energy from early on. Nobody exactly knew how he achieved immortality so soon, not even Wei Wuxian. When asked he simply replied that he woke up one day feeling stronger than ever. He did age but much slowly and according to Wen Qing ( now Wei Qing) he would permanently stop aging by the age of five and twenty. Meng Yao further told Lan Xichen about how they started working together and selling talismans to earn money and build up the settlement to what it was now. A sect. With time more people joined them and later the Wens took up the name Wei. Wei Wuxian apparently wept that day. Much later when Wei Wuxian was six and ten he brought back Xue Yang. He was a dirty and mangy looking boy who had intelligent eyes. Meng Yao had taken the boy under his wing and the boy had shone under him. As of present, Lan Xichen was informed by him that the cultivational sects have asked for the help of Yiling Patriach to defeat Wen Ruohan.

“I should go back as soon as possible.” Lan Xichen said anxiously. All the information provided proved to be too much for him to digest. And he could imagine the despair Wangji and Shufu must be feeling at his disappearance.

“You will Lan Zongzhu. But under Wei-Guniang’s order you have to rest for another week before you can leave. And I shall accompany you to your destination.” Meng Yao’s ever present smile eased Lan Xichen and he nodded back with a smile.

“Then I will ask for the kitchen to deliver your meal.” With that Meng Yao bowed and left the room.

Lan Xichen let out a sigh. A war was left to fight and he would fight tooth and nail against Wen Ruohan if that was exactly what he needed to do for everybody’s happiness.



Nie Mingjue will lose all his hair when he will know about a Wen settlement....very soon. (•_•)

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