Chapter 4 (Jiang Cheng)

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The Yiling Laozu looked like an absolute fool. Jiang Cheng could already feel a painful headache coming up. The immortal looking like Jiang Cheng’s age is perfectly fine but, him acting the same way was what made the latter to roll his eyes. Even Wei Guniang let out a sigh and it sure did sound like she wished to be anywhere but in that hall at that very moment. Jiang Cheng felt the same. Not to mention that Lan-er Gongzi won’t stop staring at that fool. He did not prefer to interpret that look at all, because why the hell was Lan-er Gongzi’s ears turning redder with each second?!! Jiang Cheng was perfectly fine with not knowing the reason.

Even Jin Guangshan looked speechless and that man was the most shameless man in the whole of the cultivational world.

“Oh immortal one please welcome.” Jiang Cheng cringed at the sarcastic tone of one of the young men who followed Wei-Guniang into the hall. He could hear the few cultivators standing next to him hold their breath at the absolute disrespect of the Wei disciple towards the immortal. A fool but an immortal nonetheless.

“Oh shut up Xue Yang! Don’t make my skin crawl”

Jiang Cheng could only sigh at the reply by the Yiling Laozu. He was a fool alright. He was also shocked by the fact that the said “offender” was “The Xue Yang.”

Finally the Yiling Laozu turned his attention back to Nie-Zongzhu,”, we received a butterfly message addressed to Xue Yang. So, Qing-jie here decided that I should write back formally as Xue Yang is my shidi. Uhhhh…..I know people think that he is my disciple but, nobody necessarily practices demonic cultivation in our sect except me as it isn’t recommended if one cannot deal with the after effects….”

“Oh gosh he is blabbering” Jiang Cheng muttered in disbelief. “A-jie the Yiling Patriach is a fool.”

Jiang Yanli covered her giggle behind her sleeves.

“A-Cheng I think the Yiling Laozu is not as scary as the rumours make him out to be.” Jiang Yanli said as a light smile graced upon her lips. Jiang Cheng could only nod to that.

“Yiling Laozu…we are glad that you answered to us.” Nie Zongzhu finally said.

“Aiyaaaa none of that Nie Zongzhu and please call me Wei Wuxian as most of the people gathered here are older than me.” The immortal smiled.

“If it’s not a bother may I know your age Yili-Wei Wuxian?” Jiang Cheng was sure that was Yao Zongzhu. Only he would be the one who would poke his nose into every nook and corner of somebody’s life.

“Ah…I will be one and twenty in a few days.”

Jiang Cheng sucked in a sharp breath. How in the world did this Wei Wuxian achieve immortality when he was the same age as himself? Either he was favoured by life or he was simply a genius. Even Lan Qiren and the other older people in the crowd looked bewildered.

“W-well that’s amazing!!” Yao Zongzhu squeaked out his response to which Wei Wuxian chuckled cheerfully.

“Ah! So shall we discuss how we can defeat Wen Ruohan?”

Wei Wuxian’s question finally settled the starting of the discussion conference. He took his seat next to Wei-Guniang and took a sip of the wine.

“Wen Ruohan is after the final piece of yin iron. As A-Ying already said that if, one cannot control the Yin energy then one shouldn’t sink their toes into it. It’s extremely dangerous. I doubt that Wen Ruohan is almost not himself at this point.” Wei Guniang started her speech.

“Yes Qing-jie is correct. We have collected the information in the inn(s). Wen Ruohan however is magnificent….his sons however….” Jiang Cheng shivered as a sly smile grew on Xue Yang’s lips as if he enjoyed everything that was happening.

“Ah!...I heard that the Cloud Recess and Lotus Pier were almost burnt down to the ground?”

Jiang Cheng stiffened at Wei Wuxian’s question. He did not want to think about how that slimy Wen Chao ordered around to destroy the Jiang Clan in their very own house. Sure, his mother took his and his dog’s life away as a retaliation, but, his father had to pay with his core. A cultivator’s core happens to be their whole life. Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but grit his teeth at the memory which led to Zidian to zap.

“Those were big tragedies Wei-Gongzi….but we are safe.” Jiang Cheng could fall at his sister’s feet for moments like this. She always had his back.

“Ah…I am glad shi-Jiang-Guniang”. Wei Wuxian’s voice went soft and warm as he responded back. Jiang Yanli smiled back softly. Jiang Cheng saw a flash of hesitation in the eyes of the immortal before he quickly turned away from them and started speaking to the elders as they discussed about the sunshot campaign. Was he attracted to his sister?!! No, that wasn’t possible. Wei Wuxian never met them to hold that amount of softness in his voice when he responded to his sister. Maybe, his sister had that effect on everyone. Jiang Cheng’s mind was overwhelmed with all the emotions he felt in this hall. He was young amidst the experienced Sect Leaders, and he had to build his sect again from the ground. However, Wei Wuxian, for some reason gave him some sort of strength. Maybe because they were of the same age and his family had his back just like Jiang Cheng’s. Jiang Cheng took a deep breath. He looked forward to this war and he promised himself that he will work tooth and nail to fight back against the tyranny of Wen Ruohan and bring his sect back up to it’s former glory. Just like how Wei Wuxian achieved his glory, Jiang Cheng would too.

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