Chapter 11 (Jin Zixuan)

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When Jin Zixuan first got to know about his mother’s sworn sister and her daughter were visiting them for the first time after the latter’s birth as well as her brother’s, the Jiang heir, he was excited. He hardly had anyone of his age to play with. He was five and she was a year older than him but still it was still better than playing with Jin Zixun who always snatches away his toys. Even his mother was happy about their visit. She told him that while she and Yu Ziyuan often exchanged letters, their duty as the madams of their respective sects kept them very busy. Discussion conferences were something that both women didn’t favour. Or in his mother’s words, “old men behaving like children.” Jin Zixuan never saw his father behaving like a child, though he did have a lot of them.

He was bouncing on his heels as he, along with his mother waited in front of the gates of Koi Tower to welcome their guests. That was the first time he saw Jiang Guniang, Jiang Yanli. She was small and had chubby cheeks which were flushed in a pretty pink. Her purple ribbons flowed with the soft breeze and her dark amber eyes shone like the gold of Lanling Jin. He thought she looked like a doll. He wanted to keep her with him forever.

He thought she was the prettiest girl ever.

They played together and he enjoyed her company. Soon, a new disciple with the name Luo Qingyang also joined the two and the trio enjoyed each other’s company. But Jiang Yanli….was Jin Zixuan’s favourite. He missed her when she goes back to her home and eagerly waits for her next visit.

But….but everything changed after a couple of years. They wanted them to marry. And…and Jin Zixuan hated marriage. He knew what marriage did to people. He saw his mother becoming bitter over the years because of his father’s unfaithfulness, he knows about Qingheng-Jun and Madam Lan. Marriage destroys people. And he wasn’t ready to lose Jiang Yanli through a marriage.
But weirdly Jiang Yanli was happy. She would shyly smile at him and tell him about how she was so glad that they would end up with each other. He was shocked knowing that she didn’t care that their bond will break with marriage.

So, he did what he thought was better. He broke their bond sooner. He shunned her away and stopped talking to her. He learned to hate her beautiful face, her eyes when they glistened with tears, he learned to look away.

When she asked him in tears what led to his indifference he spat out, “I do not want to bind myself with you forever!!”.  (Because I cannot…DO NOT want us to break apart.)

She had gasped and flinched back….back and back and back, never to run towards him with that bright smile ever again.

Now, in the present he was sitting in his tent with his head in his hands. He thinks he deserved that tongue lashing from before. Jiang Ya- Jiang Guniang was right. He was a jerk to treat her that way. He wasn’t trapped in this marriage. He was long over the believe that every marriage leads to disaster. When years later he had learnt that his father was lecherous and that Qingheng-Jun was estranged from his wife because he loved her too much and protected her in the only way he knew, Jin Zixuan had to rethink his beliefs.

Maybe when he saw the soft smiles Yu Ziyuan ( a woman known for her infamous scowling face) directed towards her husband in secret in between a discussion conference, (in Yunmeng Jiang which is why she was even there) he understood that he was a fool.

But it was already too late and his image of an arogant heir who hates his fiancee for her plain looks was cemented. And he was too much of a coward to approach her.

So then, now that he was sent a letter from his mother who didn’t held back on lashing out at him he was glaring at Luo Qingyang.

“Jin Gongzi, maybe you should just grow a pair and tell her that you don’t hate her. From how kind Jiang Guniang is, she will probably listen to you.” The betrayer, who claims to be his childhood friend said.

He sighed. Well he did try once, only for Jiang Wanyin to interrupt them and Jin Zixuan was too arrogant to back down and further dug his grave by saying something stupid to Jiang Guniang.

“Maybe start by doing something for her? Since speaking is not your forte?”

“Like what?”

He perked up. He can definitely do something since even looking at his favourite person made him into a babbling mess.

“I don’t know Jin Zixuan. Give her a courting gift for all I care. You have all the gold in your money pouch, start using that”, Came her voice from the corner of the tent. She was probably again sitting in that dark corner polishing her sword for the hundredth time that day.

But…ah whatever her idea was sound. He could definitely do. He could spend these gold coins on his beloved!! What gold coins?!! He could build her a whole new Koi Tower and name it LianHua Pavilion!!

“I can see you gears turning from here. Please make the gift minimalistic. She would probably like it more if it’s something she can hold with her two palms Jin Zixuan.” Luo Qingyang’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Oh? So his A-Li loved small, memoriable things?!! Ah! She is his favourite!!

“A comb!! I will commission a comb  engraved with lotus made out of amethyst for her!!” he pumped his fist in the air.

“Hmm better.” Came his friend’s thoughtful voice.

He quickly took out a letter paper and started grinding the ink. He could write a letter to his mother describing the gift and send it to her along with the money. His mother would surely help him order his commission in the best artisanal shop in Lanling.

So he sat down and wrote with his quill,

“Dearest A-Niang……….”

In the corner of the tent Mianmian could only sigh looking at her foolish, foolish friend.


I definitely changed Jin Zixuan's reasoning for being against the engagement.
Many things in this fic are more better circumstances wise/ relationship wise than canon.

Also, Mianmian is peacock's saving grace!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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