Chapter 9 (Lan Huan)

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It was by the end of the week that Lan Xichen could leave the room, almost fully cured of his injuries and his qi restored. Meng Yao offered him to fly to the location where the others were, as he politely informed the Lan that Wei Guniang shared the location being Qinghe, though he knew that Lan Xichen knew the place like the back of his hand.

Lan Xichen was sweating over the thought that he will have to explain to Nie Mingjue about how a part of Wen(s) weren’t bad. He cringed at the thought of bringing it in front of everybody. But Meng Yao had already informed him that there was no need to give such an explanation as, they were Wei(s) and they wore that name with pride. Lan Xichen could only hope that nobody will probe and prod him with that question; especially not Wangji.

He also didn’t want to think about the sly glint that twinkled in Meng Yao’s eyes at the mention of Wangji. He did not want to think at all!!

The journey from Burial Mounds to the Unclean realm was an uneventful one. Meng Yao proved to be a serene company as he did in that week of Lan Xichen’s healing. What shocked the older man was the extensive knowledge and intelligence that the young man possessed. He was almost tempted to ask Meng Yao to join his sect but somehow found it rather uneasy to talk about it. From his words the younger man loved his Zongzhu as his own brother and Lan Xichen can never imagine being separated from his own brother Wangji.

He infact, terribly missed Wangji and was almost vibrating with excitement to finally meet him. If Meng Yao noticed it, he was too polite to comment on it.
Landing in front of the entrance of Unclean Realm finally allowed him to see the utter chaos that the cultivational world was in. Disciples from all major and minor sects were roaming around. It almost reminded him of the yearly lectures that are held in Cloud Recess.
It was Nie Mingjue’s right hand man, Nie Zongzhui who he saw walking towards him and Meng Yao with wide disbelieving eyes and hurried footsteps. Lan Xichen never considered to ask if Meng Yao really wrote a letter regarding their arrival or if it was supposed to be a surprise. Considering Nie Zongzhui’s expression he knew it had to be the latter one.

“L-Lan Zongzhu!!”
“Nie Gongzi…this one is Meng Yao and according to Wei Zongzhu’s wish this one joined Lan Zongzhu on his journey from our care to the Unclean Realm.”

Nie Zongzhui bowed back to Meng Yao and thanked him and son both Lan Xichen and Meng Yao was following the Nie to the main hall of the sect building.

But, what greets Lan Xichen in the main hall makes him stumble over his steps only held firm by Nie Mingjue and a sympathetic smile of Meng Yao.

Of course his return was met with much warmth and well wishes from all the sects present in the place and a solid tap from his uncle and a stiff but soft “Xiongzhang” from Wangji. Not to forget the side hug from Nie Mingjue.

However, what made him stumble was the presence of the Yiling Laozu himself. Don’t mistaken him, Meng Yao already gave him a heads up about how the immortal was not what the rumours made him to be. But Lan Xichen thought atleast some might be true? He just didn’t expect the blinding grin and teenage arrogance from the said immortal. He mixed and glided through the crowd with ease as if the crowd was already his old friends and family. And even the cultivators present looked like they enjoyed his jokes and easy personality. Lan Xichen cursed himself for believing the rumours. He will see to himself copying the rules later as he broke one of the prime rules of “Never listen to rumours”.

What absolutely baffled him was how his own brother, Wangji, who didn’t like talking or even people breathing around his space, sticking to Wei Zongzhu’s side. He almost looked soft and happy if the older Lan didn’t read him wrong. While he was certainly happy for his brother finally making friends, he never really thought it would be an immortal.

Wei Zongzhu had stuck to Meng Yao like a Koala for the first few minutes of their return much to, again Lan Xichen’s astonishment and much less to the people around him. He was utterly polite to the older Lan though. He shared a few words with him regarding how and what they planned and what shall be done once the campaign will proceed and updated him about all the recent things much to Lan Xichen’s gratitude and happily (almost too happily) shared about how Lan Zhan (Lan Xichen had choked on his tea) was a great company.

The Zongzhu swears that he never did anything wrong in his life to listen to the immortal go on and on about his brother….almost in a non-platonic way. At that very moment he saw his very own brother glaring at him.

Ah Wangji please!! It’s not me who is keeping your friend here!!

This Zongzhu is unfairly being subjected to this!! He cries inside. His own brother!! Ah Wei-Zongzhu please stop sticking to my side!!

But nobody can hear his despair as this went on for the next few hours before he was spared and he walked fast to the room assigned to him (because running is forbidden) and shut the door and jumped into his bed gracefully and mourned about the injustice he faced today!


A Little Skit:

WWX: Your brother is the best man around!!! *Twinkling eyes*

LWJ: Wei Ying likes Xiongzhang more than me ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ


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