Chapter 8 (Lan Zhan & Wen Qing)

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By the time Lan Wangji woke up the next morning he was suffering from the first ever hangover in his life. He also hoped that it would be his last. Moreover, he was mortified with what he must have done with Wei Ying. He can’t think of anything he must have done. It’s not like he would do anything unthinkable. He was brought up with all the three thousand rules and he had trained himself for years to have a strong grip over his self control. But, he was drunk right? Something he never did and he was well aware of his newfound feelings for the immortal. He was gripped with anxiety as he quickly dressed himself up and walked towards the door. His head was throbbing and his eyeballs felt like they would fall out any moment. He then decided to never ever touch alcohol.

As he was about to open the door someone already unlocked it from outside and he took a step back as to not get hit on his nose this early in the morning. Was it even early right now? He couldn’t even focus on anything, really.

“Lan Zhan? Ah! I see you have woken up. I thought it would be okay on my part to bring you some soup for the headache?”

Lan Wangji was glad to hear that voice. His gaze softened as it laid on the person.

“Wei Gongzi.” He voiced out sounding almost fond.

“Aiyo Lan Zhan! We agreed last night that we will be on birth name basis. In case you do not remember you can call me Wei Ying.” The immortal said as he handed the soup to Lan Wangji while informing him that he had specifically requested Wei Guniang to prepare it and he was sure that it will help because, his sister was the best doctor out there. Lan Zhan accepted it gladly and took a few sips, already used to the bitter taste of medicinal soups from his diet in Cloud Recess.

“Thank you Wei Go- Ying.”

“No problem. Ah but Lan Zhan you were so full of energy last night I was so tired after spending the night with you.” Lan Wangji froze as he missed the slight tilt of amusement in his love’s voice.

With ears as red as Wei Wuxian’s ribbon and heart racing at a pace which could break his ribs Lan Wangji stammered out in a low voice, “I…Wangji is very sorry for his actions. Wangji will take full responsibility for his actions and Wei Ying can punish this one as he sees fit.”
As he bowed deeply to relay that he was sorry for his actions he heard Wei Ying choke before scrambling towards him and stopping him physically to look at the latter’s face by holding him by his arms.

“Lan Zhan! What are you doing?! This little old me was only joking. Never apologize to me Lan Zhan because there should never be any sorry and thank you between us!” He exclaimed.

Lan Wangji could only stare at him not knowing whether to feel relieved that he didn’t do anything to Wei Ying that could hurt his love or disappointed that he didn’t actually touch him. Even if it meant that he was drunk and would most definitely forget.

“No sorry or thank you between Wangji and Wei Ying.” He responded as his ears turned warm. He was answered back with a bright grin and frantic nodding.

Wen Qing could only sigh a breath of relief after Wei Wuxian left the room hurriedly to hand the bowl of soup to his beloved Lan Wangji. She already knew that her brother-in-all-but-blood was whipped for the second jade from the moment he had laid his eyes on him. He just wouldn’t stop talk about the other boy. Boy…..yes they were just boys. Infact, all of them were either only teens or in their early twenties. Wen Ruohan was a mad man to close his eyes and harm all the young and innocent people without an ounce of guilt. She remembered fleeing from his grasp many years ago and she could only thank Wei Wuxian for that. He was himself so very young but, he was the strongest person she knew. His qi was so overwhelming that it used to flow out of his meridians and it was suffocating at one point, until he learnt to suppress it. She wasn’t surprised that he could attain immortality at such a young age.

As she was thinking along that line, she was also glad that he allowed her family to take his last name. She couldn’t imagine to roam around blatantly with her own surname. As much as everyone tried to show that they were righteous, all the cultivators were a pack of hounds waiting to prey on their next weak opponent. And who would be their next target if not the poor civilians and healers with the surname “Wen”? She believed that they wouldn’t even listen to their explanation before chopping off their heads. She could only be eternally thankful to Wei Wuxian for providing her and her family the protection they needed.

The war with the Wen sect was brimming over the edge and she would be needed in the healing camps as she was asked to join the healers because, Wei Wuxian can’t stop raving about her skills as the best doctor. She was glad but she wasn’t looking forward to it. Nobody would look forward to a war. She recalled how Jiang Guniang’s face pinched each time Nie Zongzhu suggested strategies about how to weaken the Wen forces and the others echoed out their agreements. She was one of these forces once upon a time. These soldiers were nothing but people, who had to fight for Wen Ruohan or else they would never see the light of the day and also endanger their family. She lamented for a long time about what would happen to their families who might have had no hand in this war. The children, the old and the non-cultivators. She could only hope for their safety.

Wen Qing worried for the loss that everybody will face in this war and hoped that maybe, just maybe the Sunshot campaign will purge out only the evils of the cultivational world and let the others grow and thrive towards a better future.


Yay I am back!!!

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