Chapter 5 (Lan Zhan)

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The discussion conference was a lot for Lan Wangji. First of all, he was already dreading the fact that Xiongzhang was missing. The only thing that was holding him together regarding that matter was that, if the Wens had ever gotten hold of his brother then they wouldn’t stop blowing their own trumpets. And, since that hasn’t happened yet so, he could still have the hope that his brother was safe. Second, as already mentioned he just simply hated discussion conferences and last but not the least, Wei Wuxian was just too beautiful and he could feel his earlobes turning warmer with each passing second.

He wasn’t sure how he should feel when he saw that the immortal was looking softly at Jiang-Guniang. His eyes held longing and warmth and hesitance and Lan Wangji felt a sense of irritation building up inside him. He wasn’t sure how to perceive that emotion. He might have read about that emotion somewhere in the plathora of books which was in the library of Cloud Recess. Was it jealousy? But how can he be jealous? His earlobes turned warm with the realisation that he might feel more than just attraction for the immortal. He didn’t want to put a name to that emotion as the trauma of his parents’ miserable deaths for the very reason stayed deeply rooted in his heart. Lans only loved once and his heart fell to the bottom of his stomach as the thought of him “disrespecting” his sect rules passed through his mind.

By the time, his mind returned to him the discussion conference was already over. He watched the man who caught his attention talking animatedly with his sister, Wei Guniang. She looked exasperated but her eyes obviously held fondness for the overly energetic boy in front of her. Standing next to them was Xue Yang and another boy who looked a bit hesitated and had a shy smile which graced his features. Wei Wuxian had his arm around that boy’s shoulder and Lan Wangji wished that it was him standing in that boy’s place at hat very moment. A moment later he watched as Jiang Wanyin and Nie er-Gongzi also joined the four people. Lan Wangji envied the Nie because he easily made conversations with the immortal. Jiang Wanyin though hesitant at first, still participated in the conversation. Lan Wangji noticed that Wei Wuxian was generally friendly with everybody. As powerful as he was, he could easily sweep away the tension around someone in his presence with his aura. It was like sunshine.

Lan Wangji just could not believe his train of thoughts. He literally thought Wei Wuxian was like sunshine. His grip around Bichen tightened as he tried to control his pacing heartbeat. He never knew that falling for someone could be so fast and so easy. It was like he was created just to bloom around Wei Wuxian. As if all of his senses and emotions took root the very moment he laid his eyes on Wei Wuxian. He hurriedly walked out of the hall to take a breath and be left alone to deal with all the new and extreme of emotions that he was bombarded with. He was sure that he had to answer a lot of questions to his uncle from the look that he received from the man as he left the hall.

It was almost dark outside and Qinghe was quite cold at this time. The cold mountain breeze was sharp and dry and easily touched a person bone-deep. Lan Wangji thought that it was good for him. Atleast, the cold would keep his mind in check. He sighed as he stared off into the distance. A lot of things happened that day and the war with the Wen sect was a sure thing by now. With an immortal by their side, victory didn’t seem far away. However, he wasn’t so keen to go through a war as a lot of people will almost lose everything to this war. It would only make the poor poorer and the rich richer. Corrupted sect leaders like Jin Zongzhu would surely try to twist a lot of things towards his favour. And being the oldest sect leader among the four major sect, worked as an incentive for the said sect leader. Lan Wangji promised himself that he would go around after the war to help the people in need. He would help them to feel safe and secure as best as he could. With that thought in his mind he started to make his way towards the training ground. Qinghe had one of the best training grounds and he was quite familiar around the space as he often accompanied his Xiongzhang when the older boy visited his friend, Nie Zongzhu.

As he made his way towards the training ground he heard quick footsteps making their way towards him. A distinct smell of lotuses and spices filled his nose before a person in a flurry of robes made their way towards him. His breath stuttered in his throat at the familiar bright smile which he was growing to love so quickly, directed at him.

“Ah Lan-er Gongzi you didn’t even hear me calling after you. Getting ignored by Gege hurts this Wei Ying.”

Lan Wangji’s chest thudded at the way that he was being addressed to. Mischief glinted in the silver eyes of the immortal in front of him. He was beautiful and the Lan couldn’t believe that he was being approached by the former. He forgot to even greet the person standing in front of him as he stared at him.

“Lan Zhan….I am so glad to meet you again.” Wei Wuxian eyes turned soft and his smile turned intimate as he spoke. He took a few steps forward to cover the distance between them and stood in front of Lan Wangji.

“Lan Zhan….”

“W-Wei Gongzi?......”

Lan Wangji’s heart dropped at the way in which Wei Wuxian’s smile deemed. He didn’t know why but he wished for it to never lose its brightness. But, he was more confused with the over familiarity that the immortal treated him with.

“I…Wei Gongzi…. You know my birth name?” His voice held hesitance as he asked.

“Lan Zhan I know so much about you…..”

The wispy tone of the man held so much emotion that it was almost too much for Lan Wangji to grab onto.

“But I would like to ask you if you could accompany me for a walk ….if you are willing to Lan-er Gongzi. I have so much to speak to you about.”

Lan Wangji didn’t like how the immortal didn’t address him by his birth name. But he would be a fool to say no to the latter. Nobody have ever approached him with such eagerness except maybe Xiongzhang and Shufu. So, he made up his mind for once and spoke, “Yes…I will be glad to accompany you for a walk.”
The smile that he received back from the youth standing in front of him made him feel like maybe, just maybe looking forward to the end of the war might not be so bad after all.


They are finally talking!!!!!

Lan Wangji is a bit OOC in this fic. Partly in the way in which he behaves around Wei Wuxian in this fic when they exchanged their first words. The reason being the difference in the situation in which they met compared to canon. Another reason is Lan Wangji is older and hence could easily understand his growing feelings for Wei Wuxian.

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