Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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A/N: The story starts after Hiccup and Valka are taken. I didn't write out the actual kidnapping scene because...well, I just didn't want to.

Disclaimer: I don't own How To Train Your Dragon. Duh.


The bitterly cold wind clipped at my sensitive skin as I was carried through the air. I could've sworn that ice was forming on my eyelashes, and I blinked rapidly. The sun had finally lifted above the horizon, coating the ocean in a beautiful array of colors. Whenever I gathered enough courage to look down, I could see the occasional Tidal Class dragon peek above the waves. It seemed much too peaceful for my current situation.

I shifted Hiccup into a more comfortable position, keeping him tight against my chest. My body shielded him from most of the wind, but I still adjusted his blanket to cover as much of his face as possible. Impossibly, he had fallen asleep at some point during the flight. He had always been a restless baby, waking me and Stoick at all hours of the night, yet had been almost silent this entire trip. It was more than a little concerning. Had the low temperatures gotten to him? Was his body shutting down? His face was a healthy color, and I could feel his steady heartbeat when I put a hand to his chest, but the worry was still there.

I risked a glance upwards at the dragon responsible for this mess. I recognized it from the Book of Dragons. It was a Stormcutter—a large, owl-like creature with four wings. This was my first encounter with one, and it wasn't exactly making a good impression. They weren't common in the Archipelago, at least not anywhere around Berk. Of course the first one I meet decides to kidnap me and my baby.

The dragon hadn't acknowledged either of us all night. It seemed very determined to take us...wherever it was taking us. It had left the raid in a hurry last night, dodging and weaving past the other dragons before they even noticed us. There was something different about this one that I couldn't quite put my finger on. When I'd looked into its eyes...there was no sign of the usual, frenzied anger that seemed to envelope the other dragons. It's like it had been speaking to me.

Of course, any positive thoughts I might've had towards the Stormcutter had dissipated as soon as it snatched up me and my son, stealing us away from our home and our family. Poor Stoick...I could only imagine the thoughts running through his head. He probably thinks I'm dead already. He doesn't deserve to lose his wife and son, especially not like this.

I sniffed, mentally swatting away those thoughts. I needed to focus on Hiccup right now, and saving his life. If we ever land, I will fight to the death to protect him. There wasn't much I could do without any weapons, except serve as a distraction. Then again, if I died, Hiccup would likely follow soon after. I didn't really see a way out.

But I have to try. I reminded myself, steeling my resolve.

The Stormcutter suddenly let out a quiet roar, ducking its head under its body to look at me with round eyes. I shuddered and clung to Hiccup defensively, but my attention quickly caught on the view in front of us. My jaw slackened in shock at the sight.

An island lay before us, a mixture of forest and mountains. At the top of one of these mountains was a gigantic dome of ice with spikes protruding outward. It wasn't something that formed naturally. Something had created it...and whatever it was...I didn't want to know.

The dragon crooned deeply, lifting its head to follow my gaze. I could feel the vibrations of it, and found the sensation to be strangely comforting. There were other dragons flying in from different directions, all heading to the icy structure. One Nadder had drifted close enough to spot me, but it simply tilted its head in curiosity and continued forwards.

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