Chapter 28 - Peas In A Pod

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A/N: Hi, guys and gals! :] Anonymous Noob the 2nd asked if there would be Hiccstrid in this story, and since I'm feeling generous, I'll tell you— OF COURSE there will be Hiccstrid! I love the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless, but I love Hiccup and Astrid's relationship just as much! But don't expect it anytime soon. Like, at all. Plenty of hoops to jump through before all of that. This isn't the movie where there's a nice flight and BING BAM BOOM they love each other. That would be too easy :))

P.S.— Once again, I didn't proofread. It's late. I'm tired. Sue me.


I was surprised to see Alpha waiting near the cliff edge when I got outside. He didn't often leave the water. Bewilderbeasts were too large to stay on land for too long since it puts a lot of pressure on their bones. The fact that he was going out of his way to say goodbye before I left made me grin uncontrollably as I approached.

It wasn't just him, either. An entire crowd of my nest-mates had gathered, some settled on perches to observe, others squawking and flapping their wings with excitement. My mom was standing off to the side, chewing nervously on her nail. Cloudjumper was behind her, providing a comforting presence if she needed it.

Once I was close enough to Alpha, I crouched until my hands touched the rock underneath me, bowing my head respectfully. In return, he dusted me lightly with an icy powder. I glanced up at him, noticing the mirthful twinkle in his eyes.

*Ready to leave, Hiccup?* He asked.

I stood back up on two legs, searching my surroundings. *Um, soon as I can find Toothless.* I drawled uncertainly, scratching the back of my head briefly. He should've been back by now.

Alpha huffed with laughter, the earth practically groaning as he shifted his weight. *Toothless! Exasperation. Enough fish.* He chided, amusement seeping through his words. A second later my dragon flew over the lip of the cliff, the speed of his ascent causing the wind to whistle shrilly past his wings. He circled us once before landing next to me. He had about a dozen fish in his maw, and was attempting to swallow everything down.

*Hungry, bud?* I teased, crossing my arms. Toothless paused, torn between embarrassment and indignation.

*You said to eat as much as I could!* He retorted defensively, hissing in irritation as one of the Tiny-wings, Perch, took advantage of his momentary distraction to snatch one of the fish right out of his mouth. The little dragon flew off before Toothless had a chance to swat him with his tail.

*I didn't think you'd eat the entire lake population.* I snickered, walking over so I could attach my satchel to his saddle. He quickly devoured the rest of the fish, his attention falling on my mom.

*Is she mad?* He asked hesitantly, lowering his ears.

I let out a deep breath, following his gaze. *She's not happy.* I mumbled, tightening the final latch and turning around. Looking around at all my nest-mates ready to send me off on my journey, I suddenly wanted nothing more than to stay right there forever. Toothless and I had gone out on our own plenty of times in the past, but never so far, and definitely not anywhere as dangerous as the southern Archipelago.

Alpha sensed my inner turmoil, his sharp gaze missing nothing. *Don't have to go. Can stay. Be with nest. Be safe.* He suggested, blinking with kind understanding. My mom looked between us hopefully, wringing her hands as she awaited my response. I sighed, hating to disappoint her but knowing I was making the right decision. As tempting as it was to accept his offer, I shook my head.

*Thank you, Alpha, but this is important.* I told him earnestly. *We'll be back, though. You probably won't even notice we're gone.* He appeared unconvinced by my statement, his eyes briefly sliding over to Toothless, but he nodded nonetheless.

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