Chapter 25 - A Year In The Life Pt 1

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A/N: Okay, it's been a month since I updated this story, a.k.a. too freaking long. As much as I wanted to wait to update until I had the entire chapter written, I just do not have the time for that, sorry. So I'm breaking it into two parts. This is part one. Part two will come eventually. Maybe another month. Who knows? *rolls eyes* This chapter and next chapter will cover a year in Hiccup's life, as per the title. Like chapter 6, it will just be blips.


lizzielou525 - I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the kind review! I love Valka as well. HTTYD 2 did her and Stoick dirty.

CHSHiccstrid - Thanks! I was really worried chapter 24 would be terrible.

AdamantJackal - You're good at picking up on the small details. I always enjoy reading your reviews :D

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.



When we finally made it back to the nest, I was immediately on the lookout for Toothless. If I had to guess, he'd been anxiously awaiting our return the entire night. It had been nearly impossible to convince him to stay behind when we'd left, but his respect for Hiccup's wishes thankfully outweighed his fears.

Hiccup was sitting behind me, his fingers tapping impatiently against Cloudjumper's scales as he searched the nest for his dragon. Cloud had transferred us to his back as soon as we'd cleared the island, since an hour long flight in his claws would be less than comfortable for us. It had been a silent trip. Hiccup spent most of it staring into space, too deep in thought for conversation. I figured I would wait until we were back home until I asked him about tonight's mission.

The few dragons that were awake when we arrived called out greetings as we passed, but overall it was pretty quiet. The minute waves formed in the lake by the rise and fall of Alpha's chest as he breathed were the loudest sound that could be heard. The nest was even more peaceful at night than in the day. Most of the dragons here slept at night, which meant no flying, fighting, or roaring for a few hours. Toothless' species was nocturnal, but he'd adapted to Hiccup's schedule quickly after their first meeting. He definitely wasn't sleeping now, though.

As soon as Cloudjumper landed in front of the cavern, Toothless came running out of the tunnel, making a straight beeline for his human. Hiccup grinned and jumped off of Cloud's back without hesitation, crouching down close to the ground and leaning forward on his hands. Toothless slowed to a stop in front of him, then ducked his head and rubbed it against Hiccup's, a familiar gesture traded between all dragons. It was their version of a hug. Hiccup had started copying the behavior as a toddler, but I never had the heart to correct him. He should be able to show affection however he pleases, no matter how strange it looks from the human perspective.

I let them have their moment and slid down Cloudjumper's extended wing, walking over to pat his cheek. "You okay? No arrows hit you or anything?" I checked. His part of the mission had been dangerous. If he was hurt, it was my job to help.

His chest rumbled in fond amusement, and he leaned into my hand. *I'm fine, Valka. You should worry about yourself more. You're fragile.* He commented, a teasing lilt to his voice.

The corner of my mouth lifted. "You're my best friend, Cloudjumper. I'll always worry about you," I responded sincerely. For the past twelve years, Cloud has been my rock. I couldn't imagine life without him. We might not be two halves of a whole like my son and his dragon, but our lives were forever intertwined.

"Get some sleep," I suggested softly. "You must be exhausted." I touched my forehead briefly to his, then stepped back.

*Rest well, Valka. I'll see you tomorrow.* He nodded once in farewell before turning away and jumping back into the air. His wings whipped the wind in my direction for a few seconds until he disappeared over the cliff above us.

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