The List

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Name: Kirishima Eijirou

Age: 22

Quirk: Hardening

Height: 6 foot

Hair: Dyed Red (naturally black)

Eyes: Red

Gender: Male

The primary file for Kirishima was complete, and I enjoyed following his daily routine. He had plenty of friends full of charisma and devoted loyalty.

He woke up at 8 o'clock every day, went to the gym with the No. 2 hero, Dynamight, and then proceeded about his work day at the Dynamight Agency. Where he earned a reputation as a reliable and honourable hero.

He was a good and honest hero, I didn't understand what he could've done to end up on my list of targets but I knew I'd have to find out regardless of what I thought about him.

Today he'd chosen a new coffee shop, he's quite the charmer and had the barista subtly blushing in no time with a few witty phrases while she made up his dirty chai. I slipped into a booth by the back and made a note of his mannerisms once more.

He's a big guy with an imposing stature and his presence is hard to overlook if that isn't what grabs your attention. It's the fire-red hair he sports spiking up straight on his head. His grin shows off some mean-looking shark-shaped teeth but yet it's still such a warm smile.

I wonder just how many toothbrushes this poor man must go through in a week.

I waited for him to sit down with his drink before I went up and ordered one myself, a piping hot hazelnut latte to warm me during the Autumn weather.

I see why he liked the barista she has cute little dimples and wickedly dyed pink hair, her blonde roots showing at her crown.

Her name tag reads, Akira, and it suits her in the way she moves around the shop elegantly.

I thanked her and went to sit back down with my drink to get back on the task of studying Kirishima.

He had paperwork disorganisedly laid out on the table before him and when I walked by I knocked a few off purposefully and acted clumsy.

 "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed and rushed the words out as I bent to start picking them up.

My eyes rapidly scanned every sheet I could see and absorbed the words as best I could. I stopped when my attention was snatched by a sheet I saw labelled as 'Operation Onyx'.

Names took up the whole sheet, I see my own, Maya's, Ani's, younger girls, and older girls.

Every woman belonging to Onyx is written on that sheet.

Holy fuck, what is happening? I've been staring for too long.

I straightened up with the sheets I'd gathered and placed them back on the table in front of his latte.

 "Again, I'm so sorry, I should watch where I'm going," I said to Kirishima, his eyes shone while his teeth form

d into a big smile.

 "Ah, don't worry about it dude, all's good nobody hurt," he chuckled to himself and studied my face a little too intensely for my liking.

I moved away to a different table near the back and began scribbling all the words that jumped out at me.

Accident reports to do with his interns, files on villains he'd recently turned in, a list of shopping for groceries, and of course the list of Onyx's girls.

For some reason, I refrained from writing down the sheet about 'Onyx'. I knew I should've but something told me not to.

I was still shocked as to what this could mean. How does he or anybody know about us? Onyx's facility was meticulously concealed, and we adhered to strict security protocols, making it virtually impossible to track us down.

The facility was well hidden, we were all set up with a mic if we ever left the building and we were to go back a different way from when we left. Every precaution was taken so as not to find us. So how?!

I was dead to every soul who ever knew me for fuck sake! Nobody knew who we were, or what we looked like. 

Unless it was somebody on the inside. Someone had to have been working to get us out.

They would kill me if they found out I didn't report this, but how could I report something like this when I really felt freedom so close?

Shit. I had no idea what the fuck to do.

My distress must've been radiating throughout the shop by how much I had clenched and unclenched my jaw, my hands grabbed the roots of my hair a habit I needed to drop and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Out. There is a possibility of getting out. Wow.

I calmed myself with a few sips of my warm coffee and began compiling proper information to bring back to 'Onyx' about the other files I glimpsed.

I'm not foolish enough to bring important documents around with me such as Kirishimas files, so instead I carry a cute little leather-bound notebook and pencil. It doubles as a sketchbook.

It was a command from Maya's father, our main chief, that I started drawing in it to create the illusion so if passerby were to peer I could flick to a page of sketches and continue where I left off but somehow I've found it self-therapeutic to draw out the emotions I felt in life.

With newfound hope bubbling up in me, I started drawing the back of Kirishima as he hunched over his work possibly figuring out how to break into 'Onyx'.

I knew why I was to study him now, Onyx must be aware that something is up otherwise I'd never be put on him as a case. There's a rat in 'Onyx'; I hope they know what they're doing.

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