A Start

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I had forgotten to close the blinds, a routine I hadn't followed since childhood. So now I lay curled up in my warm cosy bed and gazed out the window at the sunrise. I couldn't help but appreciate being able to see it after all these years.

I envied those who got to open their eyes and start a new and different day. Every day I stayed in 'Onyx' felt like a torturous repetition of the last, pushing me to the brink of insanity most days.

We used to wake up at 6 a.m. to begin our schedules on time. Punctuality was a necessity to avoid punishment.

They were harsher on the younger girls to make a point of them, nobody was innocent and no one managed to escape a week unpunished for some small mishap.

Out of fear, we'd be gone from our 'rooms' as soon as we were ready to get our breakfasts shovelled into us before a gruelling training that started from 7 to 9. This was the general training and everybody was on the same regime for two hours, some days it was great fun compared to others stricken with fear. 

I liked the good days when the gym filled with competitive grins as we fought for the top position as strongest amongst ourselves.

It was fun to fight everyone but it consistently came down to Ani, Maya and I. In my honest opinion, Maya was stronger than Ani but I will never admit that out loud nor the fact Maya was better to spar against our hatred just adding to our determination to win.

Once our training was over, a quick snack would be scoffed, followed by a bracing cold shower before our lessons began. 'Onyx' needed us smart and sharp so a good education and routine was a must.

We were expected to study Japanese, Maths, English, Science, Social Studies, and interestingly enough the study of Quirks.

We looked into the intricacies of our quirks and had to think of ways to use them under certain circumstances, we were even taught about other quirks and how to find their weakness. We were taught how to identify our weaknesses as well and fix them before someone else exploited them.

There was and is no way to fix my weakness.

Stupid light.

My quirk involved manipulating darkness, drawing power from the absence of light within myself and others.

I control the shadows that surround us all. My quirk allows me to transform the darkness from permeable to solid weapons and even expand my reach.

I like to call it 'The Void', it's my favourite move, I expand darkness in every direction my opponent and I drown in the dark oblivion.

There is no floor, no walls, and no way to differ up from down, we could be standing in a different world for all we know. Everything became nothing in a blissful cacophony of silence.

It didn't matter that I couldn't see because I could still feel, I felt everything the darkness reached out and touched channelling straight through me.

I could feel the air leave my opponent's lips as they exhaled in confusion, the hammer of their hearts as they realised their situation, the movement of eyelashes blinking as they adjusted to the change of atmosphere. I felt everything, and so a step forward was all I needed to be right in front of their face.

I could be 500 meters away in another room, but darkness holds no concept of space so a step was all I needed. With a simple swing of my fist, they were down, and I was victorious once again.

That was why I loved when we focused individually on honing our quirks. That time of the day was when I was in my element, able to breathe freely without care. 

I basked in the darkness and it was like a comfort blanket weighing down and keeping me anchored.

'Onyx' subjected us to horrors and terrible trauma, but I couldn't help but harbour a slight affection for it, because it shaped me into who I am. 

The thought made me swarm with guilt but I could never shake the feeling.

With a quirk like mine, society would forever brand me an outsider. 'Onyx' recognized my potential to become the greatest, from when I was a kid and my own family was scared of my quirk and its uncontrollability. 

Perhaps this explained why I didn't detest the facility. I yearned for validation and the need to be acknowledged, a need to be seen by all who ever would have looked down on me.

It's ironic how my entire existence revolved around staying hidden in the dark, yet at that moment, I could lie in bed, right there watching the sun rise over skyscrapers high into the empty sky alone. I heard the cars rumbling down the road outside and I slowly dragged my feet out the bed grateful for somewhat of a lazy morning with no time constraints forcing me to move. 

I was peaceful.

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