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Little Sakura is where I found myself sitting with a hazelnut latte most mornings as Kirishima had taken a liking to coming here each morning and I couldn't help but notice he seemed much livelier and eager to get in the door when a certain neon-haired girl served him his drink.

Some days, his best friend joined him, leaving me on edge as I doodled, eavesdropped, and quietly sipped on my drink.

There's no denying that his friend was pretty attractive – Bakugou Katsuki the No.2 Hero, known as Dynamight.

I'd read up on him after the first time and realised he and Kirishima were good friends, they'd stuck with each other since high school and been inseparable since.

Bakugou was just shy a few inches from being at eye level with Kirishima, his hair was unruly spiking out in every direction possible, his eyes a fierce crimson.

He exuded an aura of chaos, consistent with what the media portrays. He had a loud personality but sitting here in the coffee shop, there was also a calmness to him. Around Kirishima was the only time I saw it, but he was relaxed and calm albeit a little tense with all the noise around him.

I'd noticed small devices wrapped around both his ears and figured he must be somewhat deaf due to his quirk's loud noise. 

I'd caught myself focusing too much on Bakugou Katsuki rather than Kirishima more than once. My bad habits were starting to pile up higher and higher and I really needed to start kicking a few.

Today I'd brought watercolours with me to keep me occupied longer. On Tuesdays, I knew Akira was working and Kirishima would attempt to stall Bakugou from leaving at their regular time.

Sometimes he even goes as far as to buy himself and his friend another coffee spending an extra few minutes hanging around by the coffee bar and speaking to the young woman before walking back with a slight blush dusting his cheek.

Bakugou had caught on by now and found amusement in teasing his fumbling friend. When he first noticed the blush on Kirishima's cheeks a wicked big grin spread across his face and a bark of laughter left his lips leaving both himself Kirishima and I surprised at the noise.

It didn't matter to him and he kept up his antics of teasing with a mischievous grin while Kirishima's face began to match his hair muttering curses and threats across the table.

Today was no different and Kirishima was pink as ever sitting back down with his second latte placing Bakugous by his small stack of paperwork.

He always brought much smaller amounts than Kirishima so as to not overcrowd the small table. They sat in the same spot every week, at the very back of the coffee shop far away from the window as possible. I chose to sit just beside them so I could observe and listen clearly while absent-mindedly drawing or painting.

They never gave me any notice and I was glad of it, apart from the one day I knocked Kirishima's papers off the table. I'd chosen to just sit close and not make any interaction to draw attention away from me again.

My brush flowed over the page, reds and pinks dashed the page as a dragon took form before me, my hand eased into the movements and my mind tuned into their conversation. They spoke of the No. 1 Hero Deku and his latest capture by Kyushū.

Then, their voices dropped a few notches, and Kirishima mentioned the word "Onyx." My brush slowed as I listened carefully; this was what I had been waiting for, maybe they'd actually get all of us out of that shit-hole and into freedom. 

My head swirled while I tried to maintain focus on what Kirishima was saying.

 "Hawk has sent information into Deku's agency that the main three have been sent on a mission outside of 'Onyx', he hasn't found out what for but they are all missing at the moment. He hasn't met all of them yet only-" Kirishima was caught off guard by a hard smack on the top of the head with the paper Bakugou was reading before.

 "Watch what you say Shittyhair we're in an open area, people can hear you even if you lower your voice." Bakugous eyes had narrowed and I could've sworn they darted in my direction.

My head was too buried in my artwork to tell now as I attempted to seem completely uninterested in them.

My heart raced as I struggled to maintain focus while adding subtle touches to the painting.

So, Hawk is a spy within 'Onyx.' Surely 'Onyx' must have recognized him, unless quirks are at play, and he's encountered one of us.

That's what I deduced from Kirishima's almost-revelation. But who could it be? If we were all currently on separate missions, communication would be impossible unless 'Onyx' intervened.

He must've been able to get one of our whereabouts somehow or else he'd really wriggled his way in and got one of us to talk which seemed impossible.

I hadn't spoken to anybody in the fortnight we'd been out of 'Onyx'. Ani or Maya might've met him and somehow let things slip, on purpose maybe? I didn't know what to think of anything so I began to pack while my sketchbook dried.

I needed to head home and write everything down properly in time.

She Escapes Us All (BakugouXOC)Where stories live. Discover now