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Bakugou didn't follow me home and when I turned to check I could see his brown jacket moving through the crowd around the food stands I walked past earlier.

I watched him stand in front of a less crowded one and speak to the man with familiarity ordering himself a bowl of hot ramen to heat himself up.

I stood to the side and took out my sketchbook again, tearing out all the pages written on it and throwing them in the bin beside me.

I watched them flutter down and disappear.

When I looked back up Bakugou was nowhere to be seen and so I turned and started my walk back to the apartment.

It was quiet on the outskirts of Tokyo, the apartment just bordered on being in the Kanagawa prefecture.

The building was similar to the rest of the block a lovely modern white with sleek wood accents. 

It reached up to the clouds and I loved being up high with the views.

The area surrounding was beautiful with another park across the street with a playground the children from the middle school played in.

A corner shop around the corner was very handy along with a few restaurants and takeaways. The area was perfect and the fact 'Onyx' had tainted it pissed me off.

Hunger started to pang in my stomach as I walked past the pizza place and I couldn't help myself from wandering in.

With the bit of money 'Onyx' gives me each week, I buy myself a pizza and leave fairly chuffed i don't have to attempt another disaster with the internet blindly guiding me.

I'd gotten pretty good in my opinion and I even tried to recreate some of the meals I used to have as a kid before I was taken.

One of the early mornings I'd woke up I'd decided to make an Irish breakfast and it was pretty damn good.

I was slowly beginning to love cooking for myself, letting the radio sing out as I moved about experimenting with things.

Only slowly though.

It had gotten a bit lonely sitting at the dining table alone. I'd often begun curling up on the floor in front of the TV watching a programme while I ate.

I missed seeing people I knew, Ani and Maya were just above me but we were under strict guidance not to communicate as we were on separate missions. The building was owned by 'Onyx' but they still rented out the other apartments to the public.

A sweet old lady lived on the floor below me and I'd spoken to her a few times helping her carry groceries to her front door.

Ito Tsuki, whose name I may have taken inspiration from during Bakugou's interrogation.

Ito was a lovely woman and had more than once called up to my apartment looking for butter or sugar, I was always glad to see her smiling face and warm eyes.

I felt as though she was my own grandmother, I could never picture my own clearly but I hoped she was as lovely as Ito.

Once I'd seen Ani after I came into the Lobby on a colder evening bundled up. I carried takeout yet again as one of my experiments didn't go to plan.

It was strange to walk straight past her with indifference.

Ani was nowhere to be seen when I walked in that evening pizza box in hand. I took the lift and opened went to unlock my apartment door when I noticed it was already unlocked.

I always locked it.

Placing the box down with my bag, I slowly push the door open and call on the darkness to be ready to strike.

I could sense somebody in the kitchen as my shadows spread out surveying everything.

 "Kuroki quit that and come in." the voice was sharp and I recognised it as Senshi Onna's.

Hastedly I picked up my things and walked in.

Closing the door behind me somewhat felt definite and a sense of unease washed over me yet again. The last time I was with her I got drugged. Again.

Letting my shadows draw back around me I stepped into the kitchen to see her sitting at my table with a cup of tea out waiting.

 "Please Kuroki, sit." There was no need for the niceties when she was giving a clear order.

Obliging I sat down and faced her.

My face lay blank as thoughts bounced around in my brain shaking my skull tireless.

 "Eat, it smells delicious." My stomach had turned by now and an appetite was the least of my worries.

 "I was going to save it for later, get a bit of work done first."

 "Ah yes, work. You've been doing a lot of that lately. Working." her voice had an edge so sharp it could straight through bone. "Working so hard Kuroki, to leave us. Haven't you? You ungrateful little bitch?!" her voice was rising and in her sudden outburst she stood up knocking the table and spilling her tea over.

I stood stuck to the spot and before I could move hands were all over me pulling me back and throwing me to the floor.

Kicks of hard toe-capped boots of guards met every inch of my body, I began pulling shadows towards me to release in an outburst.

 "I don't think so you traitorous brat," and just like that, a sharp sting pierced my arm and a blue little dart stabbed my skin.

A quirk deleted. My shadows gone, I hadn't cried in years but at that moment they flowed freely as I fought and kicked with everything till a hard kick to the skull knocked me out.

She Escapes Us All (BakugouXOC)Where stories live. Discover now