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The cold air whipped around me in a strong Autumn wind, my coat was furled around me and my bag swung from my shoulder as I navigated the busy streets home.

I'd gotten used to the dog's barks from the small park in between my apartment and Litle Sakura but they still slightly unnerved me.

Big dogs I could do but it was the little ankle-biters that truly scared me. I walked on past and turned the corner for my apartment when a large hand fell on my shoulder stopping me.

Ice flooded my body as I readied myself to fight.

I turned to see the tall stature of Bakugou Katsuki with a harsh scowl plastered on his face as usual.

 "Can I help you?" I asked feigning innocence.

His brows furrowed further like I'd given him the wrong answer.

 "You forgot this at the cafe," he said handing me my watercolour brush. "Rolled onto the floor, when you were packing so hurriedly."

His voice had a bite to it and I felt uneasy as his eyes studied me closely.

 "Who are you?" he asked with an authoritative tone.

 "Tanaka Tsuki," I replied my own brows furrowing as I got more annoyed by his question and tone.

 "You're lying. Everyday Kirishima walks into that place you're there, everyday he's not you're not. I see you around the city trying to blend into the crowd following him. Why? Who are you really and don't fucking lie to me again?" his voice was beginning to rise and caught the attention of a few dog owners.

We needed to move away from public view. I waved my hand in a gesture for Bakugou to follow and he did surprisingly enough. I wasn't sure where I was asking him to go so I just walked down the street further.

I stopped by the first side street I saw and turned to see him looking around for paparazzi or other heroes.

He wore a brown furred jacket, a beanie on his head covering most of his spikey blonde hair and even though it was Autumn he wore sunglasses to stop people from noticing him. 

We stood at the edge of an alley just a block from my apartment. He removed his sunglasses and leaned against the wall waiting for me to talk.

A million thoughts whizzed through my head, he was a hero but he could also help me and I couldn't be 'Onyx's' puppet much longer. I was going to lose my mind further than I had.

'Onyx' could hear everything I said but they couldn't see, I'd checked every inch of my apartment for cameras but found none, a mic for leaving the apartment was attached to most of my tops but no camera.

So carefully and quietly I opened my bag and opened my sketchbook to the page after my red dragon. I uncapped an inky pen and wrote one word.


I looked at Bakugou hoping this word and my face could convey everything I needed to say.

My hand trembled as I knew if 'Onyx' itself got a whiff of what I just did they'd slit my throat without hesitation or kill my poor family that had no idea I was still alive.

My heart hammered against my ribcage as I waited for Bakugou to do anything.

I tapped my ears to let him know they were listening and he held out his hand for the pen instead of speaking. I worried 'Onyx' would grow suspicious of the lack of conversation.

In perfect penmanship, he wrote out 'Tell me what you know?'

What did I know? Not much for sure but I began talking to give 'Onyx' something to hear.

 "I don't understand why you think I'm lying about who I am, My name is Tanaka Tsuki, and this is rather embarrassing but I'm such a huge fan of yours and Red Riot." my voice held emotion backed up by nothing but acting skills.

I took the pen again from Bakugou and began to write my story and talk.

 "Stalking is a crime, Kirishima hasn't caught on because he believes that everybody can be good and innocent deep down, you need to stop." He went on in a boring lecture I'm sure he gives every other day to crazed fans but he didn't seem that interested in what he was saying instead moved to stand beside me and read over my shoulder.

 I'm not sure how long he stood there as his breath slowly began to fog the air as the sun set beautifully over the horizon.

I wrote everything I could think about that seemed important, I even sketched out the map of 'Onyx' from Senshi's office.

Ink bled and I filled pages and pages over and over.

I was still writing when he gave a little cough distracting me enough to look up. He tapped his watch and held his hand out for the book.

I handed it over and watched his face as he read the rest of what I'd written.

He had already skimmed over everything so he took out his phone to photograph it all.

He then took the pen again and for the final time asked me who I was.

At last, I wrote my name, 'Kuroki Rori,' and turned the page to him to read.

His eyes slowly widened in realisation as to who I was.

I had a feeling he knew my name already, I was on the sheet with the rest of the girl's names. Hawk's gave our names in when he met one of us and unfortunately, we were most likely more wanted than the others.

Bakugou stood frustrated in front of me. He couldn't do anything to help me right now.

I knew I'd have to go back to my apartment and hope that I would wake up without a knife to my throat in the morning.

I nodded in thanks and turned to leave. 

She Escapes Us All (BakugouXOC)Where stories live. Discover now