A Jealous Heart

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Michiru had been quiet for the rest of the club, smiling politely to those who spoke to her and only saying something if necessary. Her heart felt heavy as the club soon ended for the day. The guests who noticed her waved as they left the Music Room, some even calling her "Imouto" as they went- making her blush.

Yesterday was so stressful... Being forced to join a new club, a giant debt hanging over Haru and I's shoulders... I hope today is a little easier. 

"Hey, Haruhi. Michiru. Are you guys coming? You don't want to be late," the twins asked as they started for the classroom doors. 

Michi's gaze jumped up to them as they spoke. "Oh, yes. We'll be right there. We need to grab our things from our lockers, and we'll be right there, Hikaru. Kaoru," she said softly, nodding to each of them as she spoke. The ginger twins shrugged casually before they sauntered their way out of the classroom with a crowd of girls following them. She glanced back at Haruhi with a soft smile. "Ready to go, Haru?"

Haruhi let out a heavy sigh as she stood from her desk. "Yeah... I guess. Let's go, Michi."

The Fujioka twins started for the lockers, wandering around the campus. Michiru remained quiet as she walked beside her sister. Her gaze was unfocused as she followed closely behind her, hand grasping the sleeve of Haruhi's jacket as she kept her head low. The sound of other students echoed in her ears, but she hardly cared to listen, even when some girls had already squealed at the sight of Haruhi. 

"Hi, Haruhi! Will we be seeing you today?"

"Michiru! You too!"

The girls glanced over at some of the guests, smiling kindly at them. Haruhi nodded. "Yes, Ladies. We'll be there shortly. Please forgive us if we're a little late today."

The guests all screamed as Haruhi smiled, bowing slightly as Michiru bowed along with her, still holding onto Haruhi's sleeve. Michiru and Haruhi took that moment to continue on their way through the pink halls until they finally made their way to the lockers near the school entrance. Their cubbies were right next to each other as they opened their doors, reaching for their things. Michiru went to gather her bag along with her violin case when she gasped in shock at the sight in front of her. Her locker's mirror was cracked, and her belongings were missing. 

"H-Haruhi," she gasped, looking over at her sister. 

Haruhi's eyes were also wide. Her locker was the same, her belongings were all missing, and her mirror cracked. She looked at Michiru with a troubled expression. "Is your bag missing too?"

She nodded quickly. "Yes! And my violin, too!" She started to panic as she ran her hands through her hair, eyes burning with tears. "My violin- Mother's violin!" Her breathing started coming out in stutters as she looked around the room, opening and shutting the locker door repeatedly as if that would somehow magically cause the stuff to reappear. 

Haruhi quickly grabbed Michiru's hands in hers, pulling her closer to her. She made Michiru look her in the eyes as she tried to get her attention. "Michiru, hey! Hey... it's okay. We'll find our stuff, let's go to the club. I hate to think about what those pompous rich guys will do if we're late." She sighed heavily at the idea of their debt being raised. 

Michiru's lip quivered as she nodded, tears threatening to fall as she hummed in agreement. "I-I... I guess you're right, Haru. Maybe someone found it and brought it to the club?"

Haruhi nodded. "Exactly. Let's go."

The girls spun on their heels as they started to rush in the direction of the Music Room. Michiru was slightly ahead of her as they hurried. Michiru had been in track and field back in middle school. She was one of the quickest runners on the team. Haruhi huffed behind her as they climbed up the grand staircases and ran through the halls in pink blurs as the walls passed them by. 

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