Finding Solace

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Honey hummed confusedly as he tilted his head. "Huh? Who could that be? Takashi?"

"Hm." Mori shook his head.

Kyoya sighed as he closed his book once more. "Perhaps it's a guest who didn't hear that we closed early today."

Tamaki, who had been in the midst of his theatrical display of emotion, abruptly abandoned his performance. He strode toward the door quickly. However, before he could reach the door, it swung open of its own accord, revealing the unexpected visitor and leaving everyone in the room momentarily dumbfounded. Michiru froze at the sight.

There. Standing in the doorway with her hands behind her back and an apprehensive look on her face was none other than.

"M-Miss Ayanokoji," Michiru stuttered, eyes wide as she looked her over. She shook her head a bit before going to take a step forward, only for the twins to step in the way. "Huh? Hikaru? Kaoru? What are you—"

"She's the one who made you cry-"

"-like hell we're letting her near you."

"Guys, you're being silly..."

"No... they aren't." Everyone's entire focus was on Seika at this point. The redhead seemed to clench her jaw as she started to walk into the empty classroom. She stalked in slowly, staring at Michiru with her dark eyes. Soon, she was standing before them all, the other hosts standing between her and Michiru. "I apologize for being late to the coffee-tasting event..." She sighed heavily. "Michiru."

"You stole Michiru's treasured violin. Why haven't you returned it yet," Tamaki asked, frowning at the girl. "I expected better from you, Princess."

She glared at him sharply before shaking her head again. "I wanted to apologize properly... so..." Ayanokoji brought forth what she was hiding behind her back. It was a violin case with a small turtle charm on it. Michiru's violin case.

Michi's eyes widened as she pushed past them and, with a heart full of anticipation, took the violin case from Ayanokoji's outstretched hand. Clutching it tightly to her chest, Michi exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She quickly turned and hurried to a nearby table, eager to reveal the contents within- her treasured violin that carried not only a musical history but also a poignant connection to her past.

Michiru gingerly unclasped the treasured violin case, her fingers trembling with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. But when she finally opened it, she gasped at what she saw on the inside.

It was indeed her violin, the gift from her mother. But the sight that met her eyes now was beyond her wildest expectations. The violin had been meticulously restored. It looked even better than when she had received it. Its rich wooden finish gleamed with a renewed luster, and the delicate varnish seemed to shimmer in the soft light of the music room. The once-worn edges had been lovingly polished to a flawless sheen, and the strings glistened with a pristine vibrancy. She glanced at the bow; the strings also renewed and replaced with brand new ones. Michiru couldn't believe her eyes. Her fingers brushed over the strings and danced along the intricately carved scroll, tracing the curves of the instrument gently as she seemed to get lost in the moment.

"Michi?" Haruhi came to stand next to Michiru, peering at the violin as well. Her gasp was audible as she took in Michiru's prized treasure. "It looks brand new..."

Michiru gently lifted it, letting it sit on her collarbone as she then rested her chin on the chin rest. She sighed softly as she raised the bow and began to test out the new strings. Drawing the bow across the strings, she started producing the sweetest, most enchanting melody she had ever heard. Her heart soared at the sound, and she teared up as she slowed to a stop, lowering it back down into its nest. She turned to face the redhead once more, eyes filled with confusion.

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