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As the boat rocked, the more peaceful reading a book about Pirates was. Miyu was sitting on the opposite side of Zoro, who was trying to take a nap. "quit flipping the pages so loud" Miyu looked over at the guy who kept his eyes closed "Shhh! I'm reading" She shushed him, she put her index finger on her lips "I'm trying to take a nap." He shifted his arms, that were above his head, his typical napping position. "You always are, I'm not surprised." This time she flipped the page really loud to get on his nerves "Fine. Since I can't take a nap, might as well help with the map." He got up from laying down and walked outside where the others were.

Miyu smirked, crossed her legs, and kept reading her book, until her peacefulness was cut off from liquid? She looked down and saw water coming from the floor "Uh guys, sorry to interrupt but there's a leak on the floor" She said when she walked out, her book in her hand. "what?" Nami quickly jumped off the barrel to see what was leaking. 

"Miyu, what do you think?" Miyu looked up at Luffy, he held up a black flag that had a white skull on it with a straw hat, similar to Luffy's. "That doesn't look like a skull." It looked nothing like a skull, the mouth just looked like a lines. "Exactly my thoughts." She heard Zoro behind her "Hey now, don't disrespect my art skills!" Nami came out of the door "We're taking in water, what did you do?" She looked in Miyu's direction "me?" She pointed at her chest "yeah, what did you do?" She repeated herself "I did nothing, I was reading this book." She held it up to show Nami "the way your clanging that sword around, you must've broken something." Miyu responded with pointing her thumb towards Zoro "what?" He asked "He has three swords, Nami." 

"It wasn't me" "guys, guys guys. Okay, crew meeting" Luffy spoke up "not a crew" Zoro and Nami said at the same time "why are you with us if we're not a crew?" Miyu asked both of them, but was looking more in Zoro's way.  "Crew meetings!" Luffy repeated again, gaining everyone's attention. "We're gonna need a better ship to make it to the Grand Line. A real pirate ship. Worthy of the straw hat crew." Miyu snorted "Straw Hat crew? Luffy, I love you but that's the most ridiculous name ever." Luffy frowned, but then he smiled again "Well get used to it. It has a nice ring to it right?" He looked over at Zoro, he didn't look too surprised. "demon has a nice ring to it. Headgear? Not scary." 

Miyu turned her head to look at Zoro "why should it matter if you're not apart of the crew?" He looked back at her "I'm trying to make a point." He replied to her "Who said pirates have to be scary?" The three looked at each other, not knowing what to say. "The point is we need a new ship. So where do we get one?" Luffy asked. Nami got the map off of the floor "Our closest bet is the Gecko Islands.  We can probably get there before our ship sinks." Miyu nodded her head, "sounds good to me." 

"great job, navigator." He pointed at Nami "You're still not hanging that on my ship." She told Luffy, he smiled at her. "alright, Gecko Islands here we come!" Luffy shouted.


"you gotta be kidding me" Miyu sat on the wall where posters of wanted pirates were hung up, she looked up at Zoro with her hand covering the sun light "That clown was worth 15 million Berries. We should've  stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us." Zoro looked down back at Miyu "what." She got up from the dusty floor, brushed her clothes, and responded to him. "yeah that's totally not suspicious." 

"I killed many, many,  pirates and yet never got arrested." Zoro tilted  his head "you did by Captain Morgan" Zoro rolled his eyes "That's not the point."  

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