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"He's your grandpa?!" Miyu asked Luffy, she was surprised. Luffy never told her that his grandpa was apart of the Marines. Garp shot another cannon ball to the ship, it landed in the water. "guys we need to do something!" Miyu yelled, they kept shooting cannon balls to the ship "HIT THE DECK!" Usopp yelled and pointed, a cannon ball shooting right at them. Zoro grabbed Miyu by the hips and knocked her to the ground, saving her from the ball.

Miyu pushed Zoro off of her body and got up, only to see parts of the ship was broken "ah shit" Miyu touched the broken wood "everyone ok?!" Luffy shouted "I think so!" Nami answered "this ship isn't okay." Luffy looked over at the broken ship piece "no no no no no!"  He ran to the broken pieces, he then ran back to the cannon that was on the Going Merry "Usopp, fire back at them!" He pointed to the Marines "or how about we sail away as fast as we can?" Usopp suggested, he was scared.

"Nami trim the sail thing. Let's sink their ship!" Luffy and Usopp started to backup the cannon so it could aim better "We don't have time! They're stealing our wind, if they pull up alongside of us we're finished!" Nami yelled at the two men, they of course didn't listen. What was Miyu's opinion? Well, she wanted to fight the Marines, they started to attack them so why not fight back?

"Miyu help Usopp with the cannon!" Nami ordered, Miyu went besides Usopp and grabbed a cannon ball, she handed it to Usopp "You know how to load a cannon right? Luffy asked Usopp "yeah of course, I've loaded thousands of them... uh...this must be a different model than I'm used to" He lied, he was just holding the ball "put the ball inside" Miyu told him, he was hesitating but he ran towards the front, that's when he dropped it. Miyu tried to go after the ball, but she tripped over the other cannon balls that was splattered all over the floor, safe to say she landed on her face. "shit! Good job Usopp!!"

She got off of the floor "am I bleeding?" She asked Luffy "uh no" He answered her "ok good" She looked at the Marine ship, Garp had the snail in his hands "Pirate vessel, by ordered of the Marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority." He ordered "Never!!" Luffy yelled loudly, how does he still have his vocal cords?

Garp grabbed a cannon ball and threw it with his hands, Luffy inflated like a balloon which made the cannon bounce back to the Marines ship, hitting them. "you didn't tell me you could do that!" Nami said, Usopp went to Luffy and the two started to jump around like little children "I didn't know I could!" Luffy responded to the orange hair woman "let's get out of here" Miyu suggested.

The ship was far gone from the Marines, the air was foggy and you could barley see anything "hows the ship look?" Nami asked "its broken" Miyu replied to her, she was sitting on a box watching Nami sail the boat "Could've been a lot worse" Zoro added on. "Can't see the Marines anywhere" Usopp spoke up "can't see anything in this soup. What we need is a place to lay low, wait out any reinforcements they send after us" Nami said "Well, we're in the middle of no where so we have no where to lay low" Miyu got up from the box, she stood next to Zoro 

Nami suggested on of the pirate crew to go talk to Luffy and see hows he doing, Miyu volunteered. She walked to find Luffy, he was on the ground picking his straw hat "hey, how are you doing?" Miyu asked him, he didn't look up from his hat but he did answer "Great. But my hat took a couple of hits during the battle." Miyu nodded her head "And about the grandpa thing??" Luffy looked up at Miyu, then back at his hat "oh it's nothing" he answered as if it's nothing too serious. 

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Miyu asked, she wasn't mad at him but was confused on why he never told her his grandpa was Garp "Because I didn't want you to worry." Miyu nodded her head slowly, good reason. "He's okay, fixing his hat" Miyu informed Nami when she walked past her "hey!" Luffy got up from the floor and started to sniff the air, Miyu raised her brows, confused. "you guys smell that?" Luffy asked the crew "no" Miyu answered his question "Smell what?"  "there's something on the breeze"

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