Chapter 8

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Mewtwo POV:

Peace. No interruption. Just peace and quiet. My cave. No interruptions. Until I heard it. A crash. Screams. Explosions. I opened my eyes. It was coming from outside my cave. I frantically got up and flew out to see what was happening. I saw a truck with a large cannon on the top. A net shooter. I was all too familiar with those. They were chasing a small Pokémon that was flying through the air, dodging all the nets. It was skilfully weaving through the nets, but it was tiring. I had to help. Rage filled me. They would not hurt this Pokémon! I glowed with psychic power and launched a ray of purple energy at the truck. The truck was sent flying into the river. The humans who got out of the truck in time threw their Pokémon out. Tyranitar and Heracross. I did not want to fight but these men had already woken me. I created an orb of pure orange energy and blasted it at the Tyranitar. My power was enough to instantly cause it to leave this fight.

"No more smugglers. Leave the Pokémon alone" I emitted. I did not say it as my mouth couldn't articulate human speech, but I could communicate with humans with my psychic link to all living creatures. The Heracross launched a set of Pin Missile attacks at me but I dodged with ease. One more flamethrower and the battle was over. The smugglers smirked at me. Why? They had just lost. Then I realized. I turned quickly and saw that the third smuggler had thrown the net over the Pokémon. Mew. They had him. I was so shocked and filled with rage I didn't notice the third one took out a large Aggron which launched a powerful Dark Pulse at me. It blasted me to the floor, knocking me out and filling me with pain. I tried to form another Focus Blast like the one that took out Tyranitar, but I did not have the energy.

"No! Leave him alone!" I spoke, using up the last of my willpower. The one with the Aggron smiled with as much cold malice as a human could ever have.
"Don't worry. We will not hurt it. We need it" He said, obviously lying about the no hurt comment "Maybe we'll take you too since you are so weak!". No. He wouldn't. I used all my remaining energy to teleport away to the nearest secluded area. There was no way to save Mew then, but I could save myself. I needed help. I needed to save Mew.

-POV Change: Mew-

Caged. I had never been caged. This net restricted my powers. I couldn't teleport. This hadn't ever happened before. I was the first Pokémon. I had all the powers. I could burn this net to a crisp. I could destroy these humans without a second thought. But I also could see part of the future. How I would be overpowered instantly. There was no hope against them, but there was a way. A group of children. They could save me. They could find where I was being taken, with some help from inside.

I used some of my psychic power that wasn't restricted and took the mind of the man sitting shotgun in a truck. I could see where we were going. I could see me through his eyes in the back of the truck. I was being taken to a secure facility near the outskirts of the Kanto region. The facility was... these men were bold. Hiding a powerful Pokémon directly underneath the Indigo Plateau? The most powerful trainers in Kanto directly above us. I tried sending a message to whichever elite member could see the message, but I was blocked. The net was too restricting. I couldn't get out.

The moment I heard footsteps; I turned my head to the truck door. The same three people who took me walked in, but they were wearing different clothes. A uniform. Black with a large C on the middle. They grabbed the net that contained me and took me to an underground lab. The walls were pure black with a large cylinder in the middle. The cylinder was coloured black with a door on the front. This door was covered with a symbol that looked like a lot of purple glowing orbs. The took me out of the net and threw me inside the chamber. I was surrounded by glowing purple orbs and rays that trapped me inside. I saw a large golden ring which a shimmering purple glow inside it. It was like looking through the most realistic tv ever. I saw a man sitting on a large chair with some Pokémon beside him. Behind him was a glowing purple Pokémon that I didn't recognize. The man smiled hungrily as he saw me.

He shouted out "Ready the beam!". The people in the room nodded and turned around. The shouted some instructions to their computer which complied with their requests. Soon the chamber around me started fizzing like an Evosoda can that had just had some mint put into it. The purple orbs around me started floating towards me instead of upwards while the beams of energy zapped into me. I yelled out in pain as the beams touched. It felt like acid was burning all of my insides and then turning my skin inside out. My body glowed purple and launched rays at everything in sight. The chamber rattled as it started to buckle under the force of my power.

The chamber liquified and the gloopy metal gravitated towards me. As it settled on my skin, it solidified and glowed. The chamber itself was now my skin. A shell to protect the strength that lies beneath. I felt the power it had given me. The strength was unbelievable. I felt as if I could rule the world. I could... Arrgh! The metal now coating my body zapped me with a new green energy. Mega Core Energy. I couldn't think! I couldn't think about anything! I couldn't remember why I was here. I was a Pokémon? Was that the world? What was my goal? Help people? These ones around me were people. But they were not on my side! The people who were supposed to help me out of this horror. I could send a message before this took my mind completely.

One lifted a device to me and spoke into it. I couldn't recognize the words but when he said them, I was gone.

-POV Change: Tungston Triazolam-

Stage one complete. I couldn't help but smile. My plan was finally in motion! Mew was ours! Hoopa was under my control! We could stop now if we wanted but I wasn't going to. We needed the others! We needed them all! We would not stop!

"Sir! We have detained Mew and got it under control but there is one problem." A scientist told me. I searched my and the Aquilon boy's memories for him before realizing his... interesting connection to Talzula Aquilon, but instead I focused on what he had told me.

"A problem?" I whispered, "A problem!?". My voice raised to a shout. We were this close! We were on the verge of greatness! We could not fall now! This was my life's goal! "You better fix this problem now! What is it?".

"S-sir, Mew s-sent out a psychic w-wave as we attached the armour. It appears t-to be a h-help message." Scientist Grayson stammered, trembling in his boots. My face rippled with anger. "W-we should be able to keep this under control. We can track down who the message was sent to." the scientist continued.

"Good. Have everyone we can working on this. Whoever gets the message, terminate them." I said. I hoisted myself of my seat and marched myself to my chambers. I needed a rest.

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