Chapter 13

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-Hugo Rose POV-

How long had I been sitting in this stupid cell? I had lost count of how many days it had been. A week maybe? Maybe more. Maybe less. The weird men in black costumes covered in what looked like star stickers. I would probably have made fun of them if they didn't somehow look terrifying that uniform. There was only one guy outside the cell. He seemed to sleeping. His card was hanging slightly out of his pocket. I perked up in excitement. I could escape. I quickly looked around. There didn't seem to be any camera's but one could never be too careful. I tried to slip my hand through the gaps in bars but...


There seemed to be a very painful electric barrier between me and the exit. Bummer. A Magneton flew down from above and lightly prodded the prison guard. He grumbled awake and looked over. He seemed to notice my charred hand and chuckled.

"Ya know that yer never getting outta that cell, right kid?" he drawled "These here Magneton that generate the field were trained by one of Team Rockets Elite Triad. When Team Rocket fell to those brats from that village down south, can't remember the name, we took these Pokémon in and gave them a new purpose. This is what they were trained to do."

These Magneton were trained by the Rockets?

"These ain't the only fellers we took in from those other fallen syndicates. Most of us Cosmos are old Magmas, Aquas and Rockets with a whole new purpose. Who cares about perfecting the world? Who care about ruling it? Who cares about separating Pokémon from humans? Who cares about any of it when you can take the entire cosmos?"

Old members of Team Flare and Team Rocket? Maybe I could use that...

"Too bad though isn't it?" I said, pretending to sound upset.


"A team of failures. If everyone here has failed before, it just makes sense that you'll just fail again."

"Watch yer mouth kid!"

"What about you though? Which type of failure are you?"

"I said watc-"

"It's Plasma isn't it." I smirked. He had been a bit too free with his speech.

"What? How'dya know?"

"You only mentioned Team Magma, Team Aqua and Team Rocket, but right after that you mentioned three different goals. Perfecting the world, ruling the world or separating Pokémon from humans. That last one could only mean one team. The biggest failures of all."

"Biggest failures?! What do ya think yer saying kid?"

"Think about it. You were defeated by a teenage kid and one of your own leaders. They took your legendary Pokémon and took out the other leader. The Big Bad Ghetsis taken down by his own son and a kid from nowhere.". My taunting was starting to work.

"Oh, I oughta-"

"Do it then!" I really hoped this worked. If not, I would just get smacked into the floor. "Open the barrier and fight me!". He quickly relaxed. I froze. Did I say something wrong? Did he catch on?

"Sure." What? It worked! He opened the barrier and lifted the bars that imprisoned me. Before I could react, he grabbed something from his waist and threw it out with speed too fast for the aging looking man. Suddenly a large, armoured bug appeared, floating a couple inches above the floor.

"Let's see how well ya face against my Escavalier!". Well sh-

-POV Change: Vulgo Maken-

You'd think escaping from an evil organization and wrecking there safehouse would make you feel good. What I didn't expect was for the same thing to happen to mine. UPIA Base 51C had been taken over by those stupid Cosmos agents. The moment I entered, they knocked me out, carried me off to another secret base and bound me to a chair. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. You know what they say. At least I set a record for 'The most times kidnapped by an evil organization'! Two in a week! Maybe I could turn the escapes into a new record too!

"Hey fellas", I began. I didn't finish.

"You talk and your head gets blown off.". Turns out that these guards were not as friendly as the last ones I guess. At least they were smarter.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to talk myself out of this again. I had to find something that would help me get out of here. A way to get the guards out of here, something to break these zip ties with or a distraction to give me enough time to let me get out of this chair!

My wish was granted when suddenly the speakers let out a signal.


Thankfully, I seemed to be in Sector 7 since both of the agents guarding me moved away. I felt a little sorry for the prisoner but I couldn't focus on that now. I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to break the zip ties. There it was! A small knife! If I could just move the chair close enough so I could try and make the knife cut through the zip ties! Just one problem. The chair was stuck to the floor.

I had almost given up hope when a large shadowy creature flew through the floor right in front of me. Slightly spherical shaped, giving a striking resemble to a dark Clefable, the Gengar hovered above me. I would have been terrified if it wasn't for the fact that I recognized this Gengar. It was a slightly darker shade to normal and there was only one trainer I knew that had a Gengar like this.

The tactical specialist of the UPIA. A person who had aspired to be an Elite Leader. One of the strongest trainers from the western sector of the world and my best friend. Ogganal Dallari.

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