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Jennie decided to have a walk after her stressful day. She walked around and inhaled the fresh air. Her hands were inside her pockets and she was humming to a song. She saw a park but decided not to go there and continued walking but stopped right on her tracks when she saw the most beautiful girl she's ever laid her eyes on, sitting on the bench with a smile on her face as she watched the kids playing.

Jennie decided to go to her instead. She was fully mesmerised by her and definitely wanted to know about her more. Jennie walked to the bench and quietly sat beside you while looking at you and that's when you noticed her presence. You tilted your head with a smile still on your lips. "Hey" Jennie said sweetly. "Hi" You replied and she could have sworn that she had never heard this much sweet voice before. "I'm Jennie Kim, I saw you sitting here alone so I thought I should approach you" She said. "I'm Lee Y/n and that's so sweet of you for thinking that but don't worry I'm not alone here, I'm with my-" Before you could finish your sentence, that certain someone you came here with called you.

"Mommy!" Your four years old daughter shouted happily while running towards you. 'Mommy? But she looks so young' Jennie thought while furrowing her eyebrows. "Lily baby, don't run. You might fall" You warned your daughter and she just giggled before jumping on your lap. "Mommy, you know I just won the race with Chris!" She told you happily and you kissed her cheeks. "Well done my angel!" You praised her and she hugged you tightly.

Jennie just looked at the two of you with a bright smile on her face and she was sure that she had never saw that adorable sight before in her life. "Hey little baby" Jennie said and the both of you looked at her. Lily looked between you and her as she was confused to see Jennie. "Im Jennie, your mommy's friend" She continued with her gummy smile. Lily again looked at you, asking for permission if she should talk to her and you nodded. "Hi I'm Lily" she said shyly.

"That's a very cute name Lily!" Jennie said "Thank you" Your daughter replied. Jennie gulped before asking the next question "W-Where's your f-father sweet girl?" She asked and Lily tilted her head in confusion while you panicked a little. "L-Lily look, your friends a-are calling for you. Go to them!" You said nervously and Lily nodded before getting up from your lap. She kissed your cheek before running away to her friends.

"I'm sorry. I think I wasn't supposed to ask that" Jennie said as she noticed your nervousness and you gave her a sad smile. "He left me when I told him that I was pregnant" You started and Jennie frowned. "I was just 18 at that time, he asked me that he's not ready for a child and that I should just do abortion but when I said that I can't, he left" You continued and a tear left your eye remembering that day. "I'm sorry" Jennie said sadly and you shook your head.

"It's alright. I didn't need him in my life anyway and look at the bright side. I've got my angel, who's the only reason I'm still alive" You said and smiled tearfully as you looked at your daughter playing. "She's just so adorable" Jennie said and smiled. "That's true! I always think that I made the best choice keeping my baby. I know that it was difficult considering that I was a single parent at a very young age but I don't regret any of it. You know that I almost killed myself when my parents also didn't accepted my Lily that was in my belly for just three weeks at that time but then my friend saved me and scolded me for being that dumb. She told me that I have an innocent life growing inside me and I have to think of that too. That day I made my decision that I will work hard for my baby and will try to be the best mother ever" You finished and released a sigh of relief.

It felt so good sharing everything that you kept inside for four years with someone. You never told this to anyone but something about Jennie made you feel safe. Jennie on the other hand was really sad hearing your struggles but felt proud of you that you never left hope and raised your daughter so well alone but something inside of her heart told her that you should not take care of your daughter alone anymore. She wanted to complete your little family. She wanted to be that father figure that your daughter needed. She wanted to be your comfort person so you can lean on her and share your thoughts with and she was determined that she was gonna do that.

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