MY MANAGER (requested)

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You stood behind the camera with stars in your eyes as you saw BLACKPINK smiling and laughing as they were doing a live video. But your smile grew larger every time a certain laughed and it was Jennie. You are her manager for a long time and you started to have feelings for her from the past few months.

You knew that it was wrong and you tried your best to ignore it but it only grew up. You reminded yourself that Jennie is an idol who people admire a lot and you are just her manager but Jennie never treated you like only her manager and it made you think that does she also have the same feelings towards you?

The rest of the girls knew about your not so little crush on Jennie and they often tease you too but they would be the happiest if you two were together. They knew that you are the best for Jennie. Jennie always smiled genuinely when she's with you and forgets all her sorrows.

Last night the girls encouraged you to confess your feelings to Jennie and you had to agree because they threatened you that if you'll not confess, than they're gonna do that for you and it's the last thing you want. Jennie always treated you right and made you feel worth it and this was the biggest reason that you fell for her.

The live ended and they were bidding goodbyes to the blinks, while your hands started sweating from nervousness. Jennie immediately walked to you with that precious gummy smile on her face that made your heart skip a beat. "Hey babe, how was it?" She asked hopefully and your heart started beating madly at her nickname. She always called you with these pet names like baby, babe, lovie, sweetie and more, since you looked so adorable and cute to her.

"I-It was g-great" You said with a faint blush on your cheeks. "Thank you cutie!" Jennie grinned and pinched your now warm cheeks softly. "Umm, J-Jennie can I-I talk t-to you a-alone? Please?" You asked with hopeful eyes and Jennie nodded realizing your nervousness. "Sure, come let's go to dressing room" Jennie said before dragging you out.

Jisoo, Lisa and Rose gave you a thumbs up as you made eye contact with them. Jennie closed the door as you both got inside the room and held both of your hands squeezing them comfortingly. "Don't be nervous Y/n, you can tell me whatever it is. I'll never judge you, I promise" She assured you and you looked at her before taking a deep breath.

"Jennieidon'tknowhoworwhenbutifellinlovewithyoudeeplyandcan'tlivewithoutyou!" You rambled in a breath and Jennie chuckled. "Okay, cutie can you repeat that again slowly?" Jennie said and you nodded. "Jennie, I love you" You said and Jennie frowned before losing the grip on your hands. "Y-Y/n, what a-are you t-talking a-about?" She asked with a nervous chuckle.

"I don't know how but it's the truth Jennie, I fell for you for a few months now and I can't keep it to myself anymore. Please tell me you feel the same for me" You said and Jennie took a step back. "S-Sorry" She said and your heart clenched in your chest. "Sorry Y/n, but I don't love you. I just see you as my friend nothing more. Please keep that in your mind" Jennie wasn't rude but each word that fell from her lips stabbed you painfully. She left as soon as a tear escaped your eye. You stood there quietly sobbing before running out of the building and towards your car.

You quickly drove back t your apartment with your broken heart. You sobbed while burying your face in your pillow the whole night and you knew that you can't face her anymore. Even if you tried to.


You woke up with puffy eyes and went to the bathroom to do your morning routine. You frowned when you saw yourself in the mirror. You looked so broken, a whole mess. You walked back to your bed and sat down on your bed before grabbing your phone. You sent a message to YG that you won't be coming back there again and you want to quit your job. They called you immediately and you told them some fake reasons and luckily they agreed. You threw your phone away with a loud groan and laid back on your bed.

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