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Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, lived a beautiful little girl... and her widowed father.

"It's beautiful." The little girl commented, looking at the snow globe her father held in his hands. They sat atop of his car, overlooking the Valley. Her father smiled, gently shaking the snow globe again.

Okay, it wasn't that long ago, and it wasn't really a faraway kingdom. 

It was the San Fernando Valley and it only looked faraway because you could barely see it through all the smog

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It was the San Fernando Valley and it only looked faraway because you could barely see it through all the smog. But to me, growing up, the Valley was my kingdom.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Y/n eagerly asked her father, as they rode in his light blue 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible. Her father had just picked her up early from school, he had taken off work early that day just to surprise her.

Her father smiled at her request, keeping his eyes on the road. "Sure, sport, that sounds like a great idea. Hey, how about we try that ice cream shop by the baseball field this time?"

Y/n's eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded, the wind blowing into her face. "Thank you, dad!" she exclaimed, as she leaned over, giving him a big hug.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Her father chuckled, kissing her forehead. "Oh, and after, we can hit the baseball field, sounds good?"

The girl nodded, beaming at her father.

I was my dad's best friend, and he was mine.

Hal watched his daughter proudly as she swung the bat with all her might, connecting with the ball and sending it flying across the field. She ran around the bases, screaming happily as she crossed home plate.

Although being raised by a man put me behind in the makeup and fashion departments, I never felt like I missed out on anything

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Although being raised by a man put me behind in the makeup and fashion departments, I never felt like I missed out on anything.

"Great job, kiddo!" Her dad exclaimed, running up to her and scooping her up as she began to squeal. Y/n giggled and screamed as her dad held her up in his arms. He crouched down, resting her on his lap as he removed his baseball cap and settled it on the girl's head.

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