Chapter Two

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"Woah!" Carter crouched to the ground, guarding his head

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"Woah!" Carter crouched to the ground, guarding his head. "That was close." He mumbled, grabbing the ball from the ground. He stood up, looking at Y/n. "Y/n, this is great. You're finally gonna be able to meet him."

Y/n shrugged, shaking her head. "I don't know. He sounds too good to be true." She said, before Carter hesitantly placed the ball in the ball launcher.

The ball shot out again, making Carter duck to the ground. Y/n hit her bat on the ground, trying to get in somewhat of a rhythm as Carter stood back up. "Come on. it's been," he said, grabbing another ball from the yellow metal basket. "Like, a month since you met him in that Princeton chat room, okay? You talk to him all the time. You know him." Carter stood up, holding the next baseball.

"I know, but he doesn't know me. What if I meet him and I'm not what he expects?" She asked, getting into position. "Maybe this whole relationship's just better for cyberspace.."

Wincing, Carter put the ball in the launcher. The launcher shot the ball and Y/n swung her bat, hitting the ball. The ball hit Carter's foot, causing him to jump as if ants were in his pants. "Ow! Ow! Oh!"

Y/n looked away, hiding her laughter. Once Carter had recovered, he stood up straight, fixing his glasses. "Listen, okay? You have to go to that dance, okay?" He said, bending down to grab another ball. "T-this Nomad guy isn't gonna be in one place for long, all right? if it helps, I'll be your escort."

Y/n looked at him with surprise before a smile broke out onto her face. "Really?"

Carter nodded tiredly, "Yeah." He breathed.

She pointed at him, "You rock, Carter!" She exclaimed and he gave a weary grin just as her phone began to ring. She picked it up, bringing the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Y/n!" Fiona's voice shrieked, making her pull the phone away from her ear. "Some little rat got into my salmon and ate it all!"

 "Some little rat got into my salmon and ate it all!"

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 "I need more salmon! And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!" She demanded, before hanging up the phone.

Y/n winced, looking at her phone. She closed her phone and looked at Carter. "Fiona. One more pitch!" She said, putting her phone up. She grabbed her bat, getting into place for the next pitch.

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