Chapter Three

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𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚, Y/n and Carter hurried from the diner, jumping into Rhonda's car to get to Vernon's costume shop. As they jogged through the bustling night sidewalk, they fastened their pace, running to the door, hoping to make it to the costume store in time before it closed for the night. 

They were almost there when Vernon's silhouette came into view, and as they suspected, he was closing his shop. 

He flipped the blue open sign to the red closed sign, seconds before they trampled just outside his door

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He flipped the blue open sign to the red closed sign, seconds before they trampled just outside his door. "Vernon!" Rhonda whined, as she tapped on the outside of the glass. "Y/n needs a costume!" Y/n and Carter came to a halt as she gestured behind her, at them.

"No. No," Firmly, he shook his head, "Rhonda. I am closed." He said, not budging.

Rhonda let out a groan, and her shoulders slumped. "Come on! I'll give you free breakfast for a week." She offered, looking at him compellingly. 

He gave in with a reluctant sigh after staring at her. "Make it a month." He told her, before unlocking the door as Rhonda spun around on her heels and looked at Y/n with a knowing smirk. Y/n smiled, itching to get in there and find a costume. The faster they found something for her to wear, the faster she could see who her 'Nomad' was. 

"There's gotta be something here

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"There's gotta be something here.." Rhonda mumbled, searching through the racks of costumes.

Just above her, Carter stood looking at some more of the costumes. "There's this one..." He said, finding a shimmering black and red dress.

Y/n looked through the costumes, pulling out ones she thought might could work before she found something wrong with them. She didn't like any of the costumes, not even the taco costume Vernon had deemed perfect when pulling it from the rack. She let out a sigh, realizing she hadn't found anything she liked, and the clock was dwindling with time. 

The first costume she tried on was a mariachi costume, with a pink serape hanging over her shoulder. Y/n walked out the dressing room unimpressed to Rhonda, Carter and Vernon.

"Olay!" Vernon exclaimed.

Rhonda looked at him, "No way." She shook her head.


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