Chapter Four

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𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 under the warm and glowy foliage archway, Austin led himself and Y/n down the concrete aisle, and towards the gazebo, like it was something the couple had just oopsed on. Like almost something out of a fairy tale.

"Wow," Holding the fluff of her dress up with one of her hands, and Austin's in the other, Y/n let out.

Austin gazed down at her with a nod, and slight chuckle at her reaction. He let her by him and placed his hand on the curve of her back. "If I ask you to dance, does that count as a question?" He asked, with slight reluctance as he assisted her up the small set of wooden stairs. 

She shook her head, amusedly. "There's no music." Her head tilted up, and she took in the gazebo Austin had led her to. The white gazebo was littered with weathered flowers and vines, that entwined around the pillars and hung from the cornice. 

Enclosing the area, lit candlelight calibers enclosed the small pavilion with small candles sat on the fencing.

"Was bringing me here, his plan all along?" She thought as she walked further under the gazebo. 

"So?" Austin shrugged, when she looked at him. She turned around to face him and smiled as he moved his hand behind his back and extended his other hand in front of him in a bow. She took his hand again, and Austin rose up, putting her hand onto his shoulder before placing his hand on her bare back and his other hand in Y/n's.

They started swaying to nothing, more so focused on the way they were looking at one another other to notice the 3-person orchestra stood near the gazebo, who had been watching them.

As Austin stared into Y/n's eyes, a small twinkle appeared onto his face when he noticed she finally looked him in the eyes; just before their attention was torn away from each other and instead to the orchestra as they had started playing a song just for them.

They both grinned, and Austin thanked them with his eyes before he looked down at Y/n who was quietly giggling to herself at the night somehow getting even more magical.

Austin held Y/n close, guiding her with graceful movements. With their eyes locked, they stepped forward and back, then side to side.

As the music swelled, Austin spun her in a circle, her dress swirling around her in a cascade of fabric as he spun her again, and again. And as she twirled, she grinned up at him, eyes sparkling with joy. He pulled her back into his arms and dipped her down gently.

She noticed Austin's gaze on her never wavered, his eyes soft with adoration.

Slowly, he brought her back up, his hand moving towards her masquerade ball like mask. Y/n flinched back, her hand instinctively reaching up to adjust the mask back. Austin immediately withdrew, and shrugged his arms out kindly, with an understanding expression. 

A faint warm smile spread across his cheeks before leaned down and held out his open hand to her once again for her to take, his other hand elegantly placed behind his back like a gentleman. 

Y/n's shoulders tipped forward as she let out a laugh, feeling the sudden tension she felt from Austin wanting to see who was beneath the mask melt away. She took his hand, and he spun her towards him, before smoothly placing her hand on his shoulder. They swayed together and moved in a slow circle, lost in their own worlds of one another. 

Austin twirled her again, this time dipping her only slightly before bringing her back up. They swayed once more, his eyes never leaving hers, and to anyone just glancing by, they'd assume Austin was completely enchanted by her beauty by the way he looks at her.

"All out of questions?" Y/n asked, with a small sheepish shrug.

He smiled and inhaled. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" He answered, with a question.

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