The Only Way...

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[Trans. Ext. Technodrome]

(Krang One lands on the Technodrome and stalks towards Leo.)

Leo: Casey. Casey, come in.

[Trans. Ext. Metro Tower]

Casey Jr: Sensei, I'm here. And I've got eyes on the Key. Just tell me when you're home free, and I'll pull the plug.

Leonardo turned towards Leo. Leo nodded and spoke into his T-Phone.

Leo: Casey, listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door.

Casey Jr: What? Sensei, no!

[Trans. Ext. New York City construction site]

(April O'Neil drops her baseball bat. April covers her mouth in shock.)

Leonardo: Casey, it's the only way. He's too strong. He's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there.

[Trans. Ext. Staten Island]

Casey Jr: There has to be another way!

Leo: We tried everything, Case. This is the only way.

Raph: Leo, please don't do this! Leo!

Leo: You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style.

Raphael: Don't you dare do this to us, Fearless!

Leonardo: Raph...It's okay.

[Trans. Ext. Technodrome]

Krang One: Outmatched and alone, yet you persist. For what? Honor, redemption? Sacrifice? All meaningless.

Leo: We'll see about that.

[Leo and Krang One charged at each other. They began to continue battling as Leo's sword was flying into the portal. The Krang leader pinned the red eared slider down. He grabbed the box turtle.]

Casey Jr: Leo, please! I can't lose you again.

Leonardo: Hey, future Leo would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you.

Krang Leader: Weak words, weak actions. I have forever known what you fail to understand. Strength always prevails.

Leonardo: What you fail to understand is...

Leo: I missed on purpose.

[His sword closes as they enter the world of the prison dimension.]

Krang One: No, enough of your little tricks!

Leo/Leonardo: Casey, close the portal now.

Krang One: What?

[Casey Jr grabs the key and begins to feel tears in his eyes. The alien tries to go after the portal but Leonardo held him back!]

Krang One: No! Let go of me!

Leo: Casey, PLEASE!

[Tearfully, Casey removed the key and the portal began to close and explode. April , April O'Neil, Casey, Master Splinter and Splinter take cover behind the crane machine as Casey leaves the building. Everyone watched in sadness as strong winds blew free. On the other side of the vortex, a green light glowed.]

Leo/Leonardo: You've been portal chopped.

My parents: You're gonna be 15 years old and you want toys for your birthday?

The toys: 

The toys: 

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My B-Day's in 2 months. (Why am I talking about it now?) Anyways, vote and comment!

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