Chapter 13 - Our Brothers? :)

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(btw guys I'm sorry for doing alot of isabella povs but I'll do others soon)

Isabella's pov:

We are nearly there now, the whole car ride has been silent until now

"girls stay close too us do not go anywhere without us, okay? Dangerous people are gonna be there and I don't want you all getting hurt" Vincent tells us

I roll my eyes

I'm the number 1 assassin get a grip

Not that they know

"okay!!?" he says louder this time

"okay" we all say annoyed

"good" he reply "oh and izzy and summer don't try escape" killian adds staring at us, I shake my head but end up agreeing in the end

I'm so gonna try

"guys we're here!" elliot says quietly "stay close" ace says as we all get out the car seeing a massive fancy building

We walk up too the doors all in a row, killian's arm around my waist possessively, is it bad it turned me on?

Summer has luca holding her waist, lorenzo holding Veronica's

We enter and as soon as we do it's like fucking cinderella, everyone turns our way

Wow We are popular, aren't we!?

I put my cold face on as we walk down the stairs, girls look at me with jealousy some even with lust, men with hunger and lust filled eyes

All the attention turned too us

The host or who i think is the host walks up too us

The Irish mafia leader

Hes the host?

"ahh the English mafia family and the Italian and Spanish what a pleasure" the host says with fear

Fearful ahha

"yes hello Mr Henderson " ace says coldly on a polite business tone

"enjoy your night" the host says giving all us girls hungry eyes

I give him a look of disgust back so do the others "don't look at them like that" elliot says losing his patience for some reason

"yes they are with us don't dare look at them like that" lorenzo adds while glaring at him

"yes sorry sir"he apologises


We walk off the boys now in a mood, so I'm getting dragged basically

" for fuck sake stop dragging us and being moody because your annoyed " i say too all of them

As i grab a glass of champagne

I smell it, it's not drugged this time

Thank god

"he shouldn't look at you like that" killian grumbles "and you shouldn't force me into being with you but here we are" i say back proving my point

"yes but he's just going too hurt you guys, if he gets near you!" luca said "you hurt us so.." summer said "we did not mean too" lorenzo reply too her annoyed

I down my drink in frustration

"don't!" killian siad grabbing the empty glass from my hand


I go and grab another drinking it slower this time "don't get too drunk girls" Alexander remind us "yes we do not three drunk girls on the way back" Jacob laughs

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