Chapter 31 - Revenge :)

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Summers pov:

Hours it has been hours of continuous torture

Maybe even a whole day

Atleast 6 hours have pasted im sure of it

Blood runs down me everywhere, burns decorate my skin and my whole body screams in pain but we haven't screamed once

Not even once have we screamed

I will not let myself scream because of these men, they touched me, they hit me, burned me, cut me, even water boarded me and I still will not scream

It's making them angry and that makes me happy

As they brought it these torture devices I've had a change of plan

Ropes are no longer needed but the second they look away we will grab the device and attack

Then run..

We both will

Then death will await the both of these disgusting things that we nowadays call men

Carter walks up to me with a stamp looking thing with knifes sticking out of it

As if he was going to push it into me and it'll leave a cut deep enough to make a scar and the scar is their sign

The Russian mafia badge

I try too trip him up with all the energy left in me but I can barely move so i miss

I need to regain my strength

He gets closer and closer, I panicky look to the side of me seeing leo with the same thing in his hand heading towards izzy

I catch eyes with her and nod

"ACE!" i scream as a distraction they both turn around in panic and so I get up grab the knife badge looking thing he dropped and stab it into his back he falls to the ground in pain with a scream

I laugh hearing leo scream aswell, i look at the both of them in disgust

No guards around as they were told to leave before I grab a gun from the table on the side I see a silencer already attached to it and shoot carter in the arm

Then izzy shoots leo in the shoulder

Izzy giggles at the sight of him

"funny how the tables turn" she says and we walk out of there looking like powerful bitches

Fight mode turns on the second we do

Guards will be around this whole place

So we need to be sneaky

We reach the outside of the door and i see two guards and even with my body screaming in pain

I fight.

We both fight

The gun in my hand becomes useful when i shoot the guard in the heart and he falls to the floor

Death awaits anyone who helped these men

By choice

They will pay all of them!

Isabella's pov:

My heart dances at the sight of the pain we caused these men who helped the men who destroyed my life

No mercy is given

No one gave me mercy, why should I give it them?

Boys are horrible

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