Chapter 34 -engagement And Kids :)

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*4 years later*

Killian's pov:

Vincent was right

I now look at my 3 year olds running around with their mummy

My gorgeous isabella

Their cousin adrain keeping them protected

I have two girls, twins but non-identical. Summer and luca ended up having one boy not long after us

My girls are names Athena and roseilina, Lucas boy is called adrain

We all sit here in the back garden on this fine summer morning the sun shining

I feel as though I am the luckiest man alive, the girl of my dreams I am now with and too with two wonderful little girls running round and a nethew who is already turning out to be overprotective over the two girls of mine

Isabella and summer now coming back our of breath after running around with their children sitting besides me is isabella

Sitting besides luca is summer

Their brother should be arriving in any minute

Me and izzy have an announcement to make

So everyones coming round now

A knock at the front door passes through our ears as i get up too go answer it

In front of me stands Vincent, Alexander, ace, Lorenzo, Jacob and elliot

It looks like a fucking family reunion

Izzy taught me too be polite nowadays

Respect all

Kill only as a last resort

"hello everyone" i nod and they all nod back "hello their mate" ace said as skye follows behind him her stomach carrying the baby

OH forgot to mention, ace and skye got together and now skyes pregnant

She's 5 months in

We all wish her the best, we found out its a boy a few weeks ago it was lovely

Lorenzo stands hand in hand with my sister Veronica I walk up too her and give her a tight squeeze

She gasps but laughs and hugs me back

We all make our way too the back garden and as we do izzy and summer both jump up

"SKYE, VERONICA, LIV" summer screams running up too them

OH and Olivias here and still single

"look at you all with baby's im so single!" Olivia chimes and everyone laughs

For the whole day everyone laughs and cheers, the kids get loads of hugs and kisses from their family

Always getting spoilt these lot

I walk up too my Athena who begins too cry after falling over everyone rushes getting her plasters and whiping her tears away

"my Athena, it's okay baby" i attempt to calm her "i know" she whimpers as i take her in my arms with love

My gorgeous girl

Roseilina makes her way up to summer and as summers a terrible influence of her she starts whispering too her

"hahaha okay, alexa play sexy bitch" summer laugh and calls out

"summer children!" her father warns and she shrugs

"they gotta learn things eventually why not start early!?" summer giggles as luca grabs her swinging her round in a circle

Her feet lifting from the ground

Soon we all make our way back too the table and it's time too eat

And also make our announcement too everyone

We all sit like we always used too just adding seats for the kids besides their parents

I see izzy and summer siding eyeing and laughing Together as normal

I interrupted them by saying "i think it's time izzy" she looks up and nods

"okay guys so we have an announcement, I have a suprise that I only got yesterday myself " she starts to explain

Everyone looks at us curiously

"we're getting married" i announce too them holding isabella's hand up in the air with her ring shimmering in the light

"OMGG" summer shrieks

"congratulations" everyone begins too congrat us, it's been along journey of love for us and yesterday I finally proposed too izzy

She said yes as you can tell

"when?" Alexander asks with a huge grin

"January next year" izzy replies before I can

"so we'll have too start planning soon!" Veronica shouts in happiness I smile

"yes we will start too orgainse it very soon" i say

"congrats both of you seriously" summer says and then leans in and whisper too luca

"you need to get your game face on boy" with a laugh and he tenses

I laugh at her words

We all laugh, smile and enjoy for the rest of the evening

Everyone spends the night over

All our happy ever afters coming true soon

I really am the luckiest man Alive.

The end.


This is crazy

I've never finshed a book and i know this is a short chapter type of thing but I just wanted them too get to the announcement i didn't have much more too add

If you enjoyed this book please do keep an eye out because I will definitely be making another book

Probably within the next day or two I will start writing it but I don't know right now

It might be slightly connected to this book, might not I don't know but I definitely will begin to write another book soon

I really hope you enjoyed and if you did please vote, ect.

I'd really like to know if you liked it so if you would let me know please do >>>

Thank you for reading and the patience of this book

It took me a good month to write this and I've never finshed a book so I've put alot into this book so please do not give any negativity to me when I asked for you to tell me if you liked it.

Also I forgot to Mention before but if you want too copy any plot and characters ect you can but do give me some credit somewhere please

I don't really mind though, I just want people to know this is an original book made by me all plots are made by me and so is the cover and anything else in their book other than the photos which I find on Pinterest

Again thank you so much for reading.

I love you all so much, thank you for the support ❤️❤️

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