Chapter 29 - Kidnapping :)

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Summers pov :

--- 2 days later ---

My eyes open slightly and the light blinds me, I shut them right back closed

I then bulid up the courage to open them again this time I don't get blinded

I sigh in content and lift my self up

I see Lucas no longer in bed with me and I get up ready for the day through the past two days I got to bond abit with my brother and luca and me had a few moments

Jacob got back yesterday so we had a nice dinner with everyone, it was chill Nothing too big happened expect from Jacob being caught up with all they found out him going mad

Them calming him

Blah blah blah

You know the drill

They've got even worse with this protection thing but it's cute I guess

Just alittle annoying at points

As i make my way down the stairs after preparing myself I hear talking in the dining room and as I walk in i see a brunette girl also sitting there today

Who is this?

"hiya" i say and They all turn to me "morning summer" father says

I decided too try calling him father in my head for now and maybe eventually he'll earn the name

"summer this is oliva! Veronica's friend" izzy cheers letting me in on who she is

"Oh hi" i say nicely

"wow Veronica in just a few weeks you've made more firends the we have in our life time" oliva griks say and i laugh

"don't worry same here" skye said and giggles

"ah so I'm not the only all time loner here" oliva laughs and we all nod

"i like her can we keep her?" izzy whispers too skye "oh she's in the group definitely" skye says

I agree

I loves this girls vibe she seems like a total badass

"hey weren't you the girl at the gym that one time" izzy asked olivia and Olivia thinks for a moment the nods

"omg your the girl who broke that punching bag, your like amazing at fighting" olivia said and I laugh

Of course izzy broke a punching bag

We talk for like an hour eating our breakfast and drink our coffees

Turns out olivias obsessed with coffee aswell

That's the moment I realised I love this girl

The boys just spoke to each other the whole time ignoring us while elliot snuck in a few cheeky comments along with Jacob here and there

"izzy what is wrong with the coffee I made you?" elliot pouts annoyed as izzy spat out his coffee he jsut forced her to taste

"what do you put in that shit?" she says in disgust

"i told you man it's disgusting" Jacob says and i nod in agreement judging only by Izzys reaction

"it can't be that bad" ace says picking it up and taking a sip

He spat it right back out

"did you put salt in it or something?" ace says in Disgust

"only a pinch.." elliot mutters

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