Chapter 28 - Party Night.. :)

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Isabella's pov:

We walk in after rounding up everyone together

The place was really loud and busy even before we got in

I check my thigh too make sure my blades still there as i always do when entering a busy place

It's there

Thank god

The smell of alcohol, drugs and just people really hit my nose and my smile widens at the familiar smell

"PARTY TIME!!" summer screams as we enter and luca chuckles at her

As do i

We go and find a place too sit in this huge place making our way outside to where the pool is and most people are and we end up scaring a few people of this coach thing so we all sit down there


Alexander let's us know he'll go get us some drinks I ask for some procesco and so does summer I didn't really pay attention to what the others ordered just know alot of them got whiskey

Veronica grabs all of us girls dragging us away so we can dance to the music together

After about 2 hours there I was a bit tipsy

But not too bad as I didn't wanna get wasted tonight

Neither did summer

Veronica was drunk as fuck and skye was catching up too her

I laugh at there drunk actions

I walk away from the crowd of dancing people, leaving summer and the girls there after letting the know im going to sit down

I sit besides elliot who had a girl giving him a lap dance right now

I groan at the sight

Lorenzo sits there looking at the girl as if imagining it was someone else who was giving him the lap dance


Ace sits staring at skye as she dances away to the music

Luca staring at summer as expected

Killian next too me smirking

"hi guys" i say after giving elliot a look of disgust, elliot chuckles at my look but continues

"hi gorgeous" killian says and i turn to him with a small smile

"you having fun?" Alexander asks concerned "yeah" i say in a 'duh' tone "just making sure" he says and i nod at him gratefully

"oh hey izzy" luca says snapping out his trance of staring at summer "enjoying the show" i laugh he turns his head away "just alittle" he replied

I smirk

"sweetheart, how much have you drunk?" my fathe- I mean Vincent asks

"not much, alittle tipsy but not drunk" i replied too him letting him know I'm okay "okay, be careful hunny" he reminds me and I nod

Where has Jacob been these days?

I just realised he's not been here for like 2 days now

As if reading my Mind killian says "Jacob on a business trip he'll be back in a few days" i nod

"i'm gonna go bathroom" i say polity getting up and making my way too the toilet

On my way I see someone who looked familiar

It intrigued me so I attempted too get closer to the figure of the guy

He was now in a empty hall way and then he was out the front where it was empty and he takes out a cigarette

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