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Gender: Femme
Race: Cybertronian
Faction: Autobot
Colours: White, blue and orange with red biolights.
Vehicle Mode: Dodge Charger STR Hellcat
Job: Medic assist (Carriers personal assistant)
Age: 13 vorns old
Hobbies: Reading, music, helping others, secretly racing.
Dislikes: Miko's loud music. (just like her Carrier)
Weapons: Blasters, blowtorch, saw, arm swords and jetpack.

Body Discription: Broad, bulky frame (Optimus) cyan optics, short (Ratchet)

Picture: N/A (atm)

Mustang is the Sparkling of Optimus and Ratchet, she definitely takes after her Carrier when it comes to needing something or loud noises. Mustang loves helping Ratchet out when working on injured bots and loves Organic animals.
She is close friends with Shadowhide and soon develops a crush for the handsome mech.

Mustang was taught everything she needed to know by her Carrier and by 'Aunty RC'.

Mustang is intelligent and sassy, she always gets her own way, within reason. She loves playing with Author Valkyrie's pet Wolf, Dog and Kitten. Alongside Lucille.

Mustang is horrified every time her Carrier or Sire come into the medbay with serious injuries and she Lectures them constantly.

Mustang loves all her family but always closes to go with Cyberknight when her Carrier and Sire are busy.

Mustang almost dies after being taken hostage by Megatron and being Sexually Assulted. Revenge was sweet.... Shh

Mustang loves her family and would make the ultimate sacrifice for any one of them.

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