Chapter 9

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@skyeblueocean  happy birthday! 

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"Table seven's order is up."

I rushed to get the order, ducking out of Molly's way as she came out with a tray of drinks. My movements were more automatic after two weeks of working in the café.

Marcus had told me I did well that first day since I didn't spill anything, and asked if I'd had any prior experience in waitering. I didn't. At least, not the sort of waitering he had in mind.

What I did have was experience in serving men with high heels, a barely clothed body and enough self-loathing for a lifetime, enduring touches and groping and wishing I could just throw their drinks over their heads and leave.

I shuddered, shaking away thoughts of that place. The past was the past.

"Here you go," I said to the elderly couple sitting by the window.

"Thank you, dear," the woman replied, her wobbly voice kind. She reached for the cup of coffee with a wrinkled hand.

"You're welcome. Call me if you need anything," I smiled before walking back to the counter where Molly was chatting with Jessica.

Jessica was one of the waiters. She, along with Molly, had almost the same shifts I did. Jessica was nowhere near the bubbly personality of Molly, but I didn't really care. I was here to do my job, not make friends. So it never bothered me when I'd catch her looking me up and down with clear contempt, or when she'd purposely bump into my shoulder when she walked by.

I didn't know what her problem was. But her behavior was irrelevant since it didn't interfere with my work. I was used to far worse attitudes. Dealing with her brand of mean was like dealing with a child.

I stood by the counter next to Molly. My eyes drifted to where Mark sat in his usual corner, reading. He had gotten used to sitting there until my shift ended, bringing books from Nathaniel's library to keep him company.

"Oh my God, by the way," Molly suddenly said, a sparkle in her eyes. "The other day, Claire's brother dropped by."

"Nathaniel?" Jessica asked, her green eyes wide. When Molly nodded, Jessica sighed. "He's so dreamy."

"Yep. He's a sight for sore eyes. I didn't even think they made ones like him anymore," Molly said with a grin. She turned to me, looking like a light bulb had just switched on in her head. "Say, you're a friend of Claire's, right? Have you ever met him? Have you?"

I smoothed my hand down my apron. Saying we lived together didn't strike me as the brightest idea. I nodded. "Yeah."

"How is he? What type is he?" Molly said, leaning closer. "Like the good guy type? Or the bad boy type?"

"Um..." I frowned in confusion. "He's nice...I guess?"

"Oh," she said, her shoulders falling. "I thought he'd be a bad boy with his dark looks. I'm a sucker for bad boys."

"Yeah, I'm sure you're a sucker." Jessica snickered, causing Molly to slap her shoulder. I glanced away, uncomfortable.

It was close to four in the afternoon when my shift ended. I was more than surprised when Nathaniel walked into the café in his usual tailored suit under a black coat, looking like the business man that he was.

Molly and Jessica's jaws brushed the floor as he let the door swing shut behind him. A draft of chilly wind swooped in. His eyes found me almost instantly. He smiled and closed the distance between us, phone in hand.

"Hello." He nodded to the girls. They blinked for a second before greeting him back. He waved the phone in my face. "You're not answering your phone."

"Well, I'm working, so it's in the locker room," I said with an arched brow.

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