Chapter 34

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My lungs froze. He swiped the belt out of his pants, folded it, and hit his palm once with it. I jumped at the sound. His lips twitched up.

Sunlight drifted in from the window, coating his skin with gold. But it failed to warm my body.

Then Benne dropped the belt.

The sound echoed over my heartbeat in the quiet room. His hand disappeared into his pocket and came out with a ring of keys.

Wordlessly, he worked on my handcuffs, opening the left one, then the right, while I stared in wordless bewilderment. What was he doing?

As soon as my hands were free I tucked them to my chest, feeling blood circulate in a rush of relief.

Then he reached for my ankle and dragged me down the bed.

"No!" I twisted out of his grip and tried crawling away.

He dragged me back by my hair. I held onto his hands as he flipped me over on my back again and leaned over me. No, no, no. This was not happening.

I trashed my legs and arms, managing to knee him in the stomach before he put his weight over my legs and held my wrists on the bed above my head. His other hand ripped off my bra, gauging my chest with his nails.

He leaned his face closer and I head-butted him. My own head hurt and stars filled my vision. He groaned, pulling away with his hands on his nose. I took advantage and pushed him off of me using my hands and knees.

I scrambled off the bed and fell on the floor. Climbing to my feet, I moved to run to the door. But Benne was on his feet before me, blocking my way. His nose bloody, his eyes wild and his grin psychotic. He was enjoying this, the sick bastard.

I backed away and screamed. "Help!"

There probably was no one who could help me around here, but I had to try. Benne only laughed and stalked toward me as I backed away. The room was empty, nothing I could use as a weapon.

"Help! Someone please help!" My desperate calls echoed in the room, mocked and unheard. My back hit the wall.

Benne grinned and lunged. I was no match for a man as tall and built as he was, but I wasn't about to make this easy for him. He might end up getting what he wanted, but I would make sure he was damn uncomfortable doing it.

I struggled, turning into a wild cat. He managed to grab my arms and turn me so my back was against his chest, both his hands holding mine to my chest.

I reared my head back. He learned his lesson and my head met empty air. His hands holding down mine on my chest were within distance. I lowered my chin and bit him, catching his fingers with my teeth.

He screamed. I tasted blood and bit harder. He let go and I scrambled away, almost tripping on the belt on the floor.

The belt.

I picked it up and turned toward him. His finger was as bloody as his nose. His face was screwed into a pained sneer. He took a step forward. I swung the belt. The buckle hit him in the face, drawing blood.

"You bitch!" He grunted, stepping back. He wiped a sleeve on his cheek, smearing the blood and making him look even more deranged. "Fine. You want it the hard way, you'll get it."

I swung the belt when he stepped close enough. He caught it. I tugged. He was stronger. The belt slipped from my grip, biting my palm.

I stepped back. Benne smiled. "If you come here, I won't be harsh on you. After all, you're a whore. You're used to this. Why are you putting up a fight as if that body wasn't used by hundreds of men before me? Don't flatter yourself, you're nothing but a whore, and you'll always be a whore."

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