Chapter 20

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Mark was discharged the next day.

Being back home felt good. The bodyguards sent by Chris swarmed the building. They were everywhere. Around the building, down in the reception hall, on our floor. I wasn't complaining.

Claire was helping me settle down Mark in his bed. He was almost asleep, his eyes barely open and his breathing deep.

"You should take a couple of weeks off," Claire whispered, pulling the covers up to Mark's chin. "At least until he can move around on his own."

I wasn't happy about it, but I had no other choice. I had to take care of Mark. But it felt like I was taking advantage of my personal relationship with Claire when it came to work.

Claire knew me well. She rounded the bed and patted my back, steering me towards the door. "Daphne, I would've done the same for any other employee. Besides, you're family now. Mark is like my third son."

"Thank you." I blinked back the irritating tears. I was getting way too emotional these days and I hated it. But I should give myself a break considering the circumstances.

"You're welcome. Now come on, let's let him get some sleep."

Chris and Nathaniel were in a heated discussion in the kitchen. They stood on either side of the island, arguing with low voices and looking annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked, sitting on a stool beside Chris.

Chris hadn't left us alone, safe for a few hours when he went to check on Kellian. The boy stayed with his grandparents.

"The address Daphne gave us is in a different district," Chris said. "The police department there will be the one to handle the case."

I stood next to Nathaniel. He was cutting vegetables with too much force. Veins popped in his forearms.

"But the police there are involved," I said. At least a number of officers were.

Nathaniel set the knife aside and threw diced tomatoes, bell pepper, lettuce and cucumber in a bowl. "The problem is that now they know you talked," he said. "Which meant they might try to get rid of any proof, maybe relocate... but I don't know how successful that would be if the compound had as many people as you said."

"God, the idea of all those people..." Claire mumbled, twin lines appearing between her eyebrows.

Chris had briefed her and Craig on things, along with Alister, since Nathaniel thought we might need his help in the future. He'd said that Alister had some shady connections that came in handy once in a while.

I sighed and opened the pantry. Pulling a bag of croutons, I tossed a few in the salad bowl while Nathaniel prepared a dressing.

"Daphne, do you remember the names of the police officers you saw there?" Chris asked.

I frowned, sealing the bag airtight. "I know first names, but I don't think they're their real names."

"How did you know they're police officers in the first place?" Claire asked.

I shrugged. "It was common knowledge back there. And we'd hear them talking with the guards, speaking about how they covered up something for the management."

"So you know what they look like?" Chris asked, taking his phone out. A predatory glint entered his eyes.

"Yes." I would never forget their faces.

"I'll be back," Chris said, putting the phone to his ear as he headed for Nathaniel's office.

"What are you going to do?" Claire asked Nathaniel. "If the police there try to cover things up?"

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