Chapter 22

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My heart raced. My eyes flickered up to Nathaniel's lips.

Standing so close to him, he seemed bigger than usual. But his familiar scent set my heart at ease. Panicking wasn't even on my mind.

He lowered his head, coming closer, closer...


The elevator door opened.

I stayed frozen in place. Nathaniel straightened and, putting his arm around my shoulders, pulled me back as a few people got inside.

I was out of it. My heart was still trying to escape my ribcage, and heat warmed my face and neck. My eyes were open but my brain decided to take a break. My mind was completely blank.

Slowly, voices pierced through the fog and dragged me to clarity. I glanced at Nathaniel. He was speaking with one of the men who'd entered the elevator, smiling without a care in the world. I blinked, stunned that he could be so cool right now.

Here I was, having a heart attack, and he looked like it was just another day in the office for him. Was I the only one affected by this? Even now, pressed to his side as I was, butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

Was it normal that he could be so nonchalant? Maybe it was. It was just a kiss, after all. A kiss that didn't even happen.

Maybe I was the abnormal one. Maybe my past was so messed up that I would never have a normal reaction to intimacy.

Nathaniel's arm suddenly felt heavy on my shoulder.

The elevator door opened to our floor. I pushed my way outside first, looking left and right as Nathaniel stepped out behind me. The elevator closed.

He glanced at me. "Daphne-"

"Where's Chris' office?"

He was quiet for a moment. I didn't look at him. He sighed and moved. The walls were a nondescript gray, and our shoes squeaked on the smooth flooring. Nathaniel led the way down the empty hallway.

We passed by several doors. A few rooms were completely made of glass, and I could see people gathering around long tables as if in meetings. Finally, the hallway turned and widened into a circular space. Double doors stood closed across from us. A woman sat behind a crescent shaped desk at the side. She stood up when she saw us.

"Go right in, Nathaniel. He's waiting for you," she told him with a smile.

"Thank you, Blaire," he replied.

Nathaniel knocked on the door and pushed it open without waiting for a response.

Chris' office was not what I expected. Chris was warm and charming. His office was steely gray flooring and walls, the ground to ceiling glass wall behind his desk saved it from being claustrophobic.

The desk was a sleek glass structure. An intricate statue made of metallic wires stood on a pedestal in one corner. It was of an eagle with its wings stretched. Another metallic statue, much smaller, of a barren tree, was set on his desk. A small counter occupied one corner of the office, with a coffee station and a small fridge.

Chris and Alister sat across from each other at the long white table on the opposite side of the desk, turning their chairs to face a flat screen hung on the wall. Chris' brows were low over his eyes, he glanced at us then focused on the laptop screen in front of him.

Alister looked our way. His gray eyes settled on me, and the hint of suspicion in them was unmistakable.

I was already in a bad mood. Having him look at me that way raised my hackles. I raised one eyebrow at him. His jaw clenched and he looked away.

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