Chapter 2: The First Decade

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○{May 1924}○
•[Third person]•

It was 1924 when the Kennedy's got new neighbors. Everyone in the house ecstatic to meet them, the children excited to see other children their age, the adults happy to hopefully make friends. All the Kennedy's that day were running around the house looking for gifts to make for their new neighbors.

The children were bombarding their mother with questions while Rose just wanted to finish the pie she was working on. Joseph trying to help the children with their crayons as best as his elegant hands would allow.

Once everyone has finished their special add ons to the gifts, all the kids and adults went to the neighbors front door, John decided he would be the one to knock. After knocking three times there was noise on the other side of the door as one of the newcomers opened the door.

There, little Josephine Meyer opens the door to a group of 9, 7 kids, 2 adults. "Hello?" little Joanna said as her parents and brothers started toward the door. "Hi, we're your neighbors, we made you a couple gifts for your family." John answered with a smile. "Oh how kind of all of you." Charlotte gushed. "Why don't you all come in?" She finished, inviting the family of 9 inside.

Inside the house the group of 15 all sat down in the gathering room in the center of the house. The children all went to the toy room as the adults got to know each other better, hitting it off pretty well.

"Any big plans for your childrens future?" George asked Joe, taking a sip of his drink. Joe was delighted to talk about his hopes and dreams, hell it's gonna be all that's talked about.

"Politics is a big part of our future plan, I want at least one of the boys to at least get into the presidency. Joe jr. is my hope, I could really see him getting into it." Joe said making George nod in likelihood. "That's an amazing plan, I have the same plan for Noah." George related with a smile on his face.

While the men of the houses talked about politics and future plans, the women talked about their own things, like Charlotte's new house and decor. Rose giving her thoughtful advice on where the vase should go and what rugs would look best on what flooring.

While the adults talked, the children played. The boys played knights while some of the girls played with the toy cars and the other half played dolls.

After an hour or so of talking and playing, the Kennedy's were called back to their house and the Meyers were told to get ready for dinner at their neighbors house. Joanna went to her room with her mother, putting on a simple yet cute dress. After a short 10 minute halt, the Meyer family walked across the lawn to the Kennedy's house. When they got there Thomas and Joanna fought to knock on the door. Thomas ultimately won, Upset by her loss, Joanna fell limp to the ground, Noah picking her up off the ground hoping to make her happy.

Joanna automatically smiling when John opened the door letting the family of 6 into their home. Once in the house Noah put the 4 year old back down onto her feet, just as her feet hit the ground, she went off running in the same direction as Rosemary and Kathleen.

The four children ran into Rosemary's room after finally convincing John to follow the girls in. The four of them continued to play cars like they did at the Meyer house.

After some time, dinner was ready. The children ran out of the room into the dining room after washing their hands. After dinner and dessert, the Meyer family went back to their house for the night.


○{Recap of the 30's}○

As years went on, the two families became one, the Meyers helped raise the youngest Kennedy children and the Kennedy children helped the Meyer's grow.

When Joanna started to get older, she was able to determine nicknames for herself and others. Suddenly, John was Jack, Robert was Bobby, Patricia was Patty, Kathleen was kick, and Edward was Ted, he just didn't seem like an Edward to the young brunette.

Jack decided that the young girls nickname should be Jo, instead of Joanna, he claims that it's "so much simpler". Jack is the only person that calls Joanna Jo, no one else can use the nickname for her, or he'll be angry, his rules, not hers.

Jack and Jo are as close as ever, but Bobby has started trying to take Jo from Jack, and by that he just asks her to play with him first and her being her says ofcourse.

Bobby always thought Josephine was gorgeous, and now that he's old enough to join their party, he "has a better chance", maybe he should wait longer but that's his choice, but trust when I say, boys make bad decisions, especially Kennedy boys, ESPECIALLY about woman.

Jack thought Jo was the most beautiful girl he's ever met, besides his mother ofcourse. Throughout the years, Joanna and John grew as close as ever, if one of them was missing, all you had to do was look for the other. They were bestfriends, nothing could break the bond they have created. Almost everyday, you could find the pair on a boat, their favorite activity to pass time was sailing.

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