Chapter 11: Free Falling

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{August 12th, 1944}○
●《Background on Plane Crash》●

In the summer of 1944, Joe Jr. volunteered for a secret bombing campaign with the code name "Operation Aphrodite." His mission was to fly over Normandy, France in a radio-controlled B-17 bomber to a German V-2 rocket launching site, arm the explosives stowed on board, and then parachute to safety before the plane exploded over the German target.

On the evening of August 12, Joe and his co-pilot Lieutenant Wilford John Willy departed from Royal Air Force Fersfield Station in Norwich, England. As the plane headed to the North Sea coast, Kennedy prepared the plane for detonation and radioed the agreed code "spade flush," his last words. Two minutes later, before both men were able to eject from the plane, the explosives ignited prematurely, killing Willy and Kennedy. The wreckage landed near the village of Blythburgh in Suffolk, England. The cause of the explosion was never concluded.

♡Joanna's POV♡

While, Bobby, Eunice, Ted, and I were sitting at the dining room table playing pinochle there was a knock on the door. I was closest to the door so I answered, making their lives easier before their lives became hard.

"Mrs. Kennedy?" A man in a navy suit asked as the other one stood behind the one I was talking to. I didn't know what to say, I was worried about the boys. What if it was Jack or Joe? What if something happened? I had to know. "Yes." I said holding eye contact with the men in front of me.

"I'm sorry to inform you-" and that's when I zoned out, Bobby came up behind me, holding me up as I started to wobble, my knees locking, my brain fuzzy. "Joseph Kennedy Jr. has died in action." I lost it, I started crying, Joe was older so he'd hangout with my brothers but he was definitely like an older brother to me, you could tell he cared about me. Rose was hysterical, the older woman ran to the door asking for answers as Bobby led me back into the house upstairs to his room.

Bobby and I got to his room. I was still shaking, unable to take control of my body. Even though I wanted to sit still, I couldn't stop moving, Bobby tightened his grip on me as if he heard my thoughts. Bobby wouldn't let go of me, his grip tightened when I shook harder and loosened when I was closest to being still. I felt like an outsider, yes I was upset but I'm not family. So I decided it would be best if I went home.

When I got to my room I started writing a letter to Joe to put in his casket, I knew it was the best thing I could do, for me and Joe.

Dear Joe,

I'm so lucky to have had the privilege of growing up with you. You're the best fake older brother I could have ever asked for. You always made sure I was safe and content. When I was lonely you would come over and play with me even though you were 5 years older than me. I'm so lucky to have been able to meet you, you put yourself before everyone else and I'm so grateful for that.

The day we danced together is one of my favorite memories of us. It was so sweet and wholesome. I'm glad you were able to talk some sense into Jack for me, he wouldn't listen. He called me a hussy. I never told you that part, I didn't want to put a damper in your relationship.

I will always remember you Joe, and I will always love and miss you. You were one of the kindest people I know and I will always hold you in my heart Mr. President.

With lots of love, Joanna.

Joe's funeral was a few days later. I was a mess. I didn't know how to be calm, Noah and John were by my side the whole day to make sure I could breathe and stand by myself. Thanks to them, I could. Without them I would be on the floor in the back of the church, everyone staring.

I didn't want to be close to the Kennedy's today, I felt bad for them and I knew being next to them I wouldn't be able to keep it together. John INSISTED on staying near me to make sure I was ok. Noah was also thankful for John staying with us because at points, he, himself would get emotional.

I didn't want to be near the Kennedy family because they've been through so much trauma over the years. This is her second funeral and third friend gone. The tragedy of Rosemary was very tolling for the whole family, but Joanna had lost a friend that day. 

The Meyer family was very close with Joe. Noah and Joe were bestfriends, they did everything together, they went on trips, they went on double dates together, they played cars together when they were younger, as they got older they bragged about their cars, trying to get the ladies. They were the bestest of friends and now, Joe's gone. Noah's lost, he doesn't have his guide anymore. The thought of that made me cry more. Knowing his bestfriend DIDN'T make it.

The whole Kennedy family is lost. Now, Joseph's plans for Joe go onto the next son, John. And anyone close to John knew that that was the last thing he wanted. John was hoping Joe would fulfill the dreams for their father so he didn't have to.

I always thought John would make an amazing president but whenever I would tell him so, he would say I sounded like his father. That would shut me up pretty quick.

Similarly, he would always say how good of a matriarch I would make, I always disagreed, it wasn't in my plans, law was.

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